Realization p.1

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"I'm dying Katie Kat. I swear I'm dying." I whine as I roll around dramatically on her bed.

Katie rolls her eyes but keeps her gaze on her book. She flips another page, and I can tell she's fighting down a smile.

"Please invite me to your funeral." Katie states blandly.

"You're going to be planning it, lady."

"Then I'm putting you in a hot pink casket."

"Make sure my suit is matching then." I say, rolling over so I can look directly at her.

Katie finally laughs, and I grin at her.

"Seriously though, you have one strong flick. Do you do finger weights? I mean you could kill someone with that. You're a danger to society." I start to ramble, and watch as her lips twitch at me.

Hanging out with my girlfriend is usually just me trying to get her to laugh. I always felt a surge of pride every time she smiled or laughed at one of my jokes. If you heard her laugh, you would feel the same way.

"You are the most dramatic person I have ever met." Katie says, looking down at me and smiling.

We had been sitting on Katie's bed and cuddling. Well, I had been cuddling her while she read a gardening book. Wanting her to pay attention to me, I kept bothering her and saying her name.

After 5 minutes, she looked down at me. "Finally!" I exclaimed. I pushed myself closer to her and grinned.

"You're pretty." I murmured. Katie was a lot more than pretty but that's what I settled on.

She smiled, "Thank you." She started leaning closer, and I felt myself being pulled toward her. We were close enough for our noses to touch, and I felt myself staring at her lips. Katie decided at that moment to pull back, grin, and flick me on the nose.

And here we are now.

I huffed and turned away from her, deciding to ignore her. I wouldn't be able to ignore her for longer than 20 seconds, but it's the thought that counts.

"Aw, are you upset with me? I'm sorry Trav, I thought it would be funny." Katie started saying. She put her book away and laid down so she was facing my back. I could hear the mocking in her voice, but I ignored it.

Giving in, I turned around and smiled at her. She put one hand on my cheek and leaned forward, kissing me. I pulled her closer, and could feel her smile against my lips. I pressed my hands against her back and kissed her back. She pulled away, a small smile on her lips.

Then, Katie raised her hand and flicked me on the nose again. My mouth fell open in shock as she laughed.

I had to fight the urge to grin as she kept laughing.

Gods, I loved her.

There were no doubts. No extra questions. I couldn't even feel nervous about the realization because I knew there was no fighting it.

I was in love with Katie Gardener.

And I loved it almost as much as I loved her.

this one is short but i will DEFINITELY be posting a realization for katie. anyways, love y'all and please vote!💕

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