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sorry for not updating motel yet! i will eventually i'm just trying to figure out what i want to do with it

A loud banging woke me up from my nap, causing me to groggily open my eyes and yawn.

"Has sleeping beauty finally awoken?" I heard my girlfriend tease above me. I turned my head in Katie's lap to see her grinning down at me. I let out a groan and turned back to my previous position.

"What was that noise?" I mumbled, already drifting off again.

"Probably Miranda teaching someone how to flip off of their bed." Katie said, going back to holding her book with one hand and using the other to play with my hair. She seemed unconcerned so I just closed my eyes and tried to go back to my wonderful nap.

Just as I started to fall back asleep, the banging started again, this time followed by the door flying open. "Katie! Guess what!" I heard Miranda yell. I startled, and shot upward, knocking Katie's book out of her hand.

"Travis! You made me lose my page!" Katie exclaimed, shoving me away so she could grab her book off the ground.

"Your sister was the one who scared me!" I shot back, running a hand through my hair.

"Well her sister is still here and has the best news!" Miranda yelled again. "Katie, forget about your book and guess what!"

Half of Katie's body was dangling off the bed as she made futile attempts to grab her book, which was just out of reach.

"What?" Katie deadpanned, still making desperate grabs for her book.

"Lacey and I's makeover idea got approved! It's in an hour and we invited any campers to come so we can teach them how to do hair and makeup and all kinds of things!" Miranda cheered.

"That's great Miranda, but what do I have to do with this?" Katie asked, finally getting her book and sitting back up.

"And why was I woken from my nap for this?" I asked, putting my arm around Katie's waist as I laid back onto her pillows.

Miranda blushed slightly as her smile turned sheepish. "Well," She chuckled awkwardly as Katie's eyes narrowed, "I kinda volunteered you to teach a makeup tutorial to some kids."

"What!" Katie yelled. She grabbed the nearest pillow and chucked it at her sister. "Why would you do that?"

Miranda caught the pillow before it could hit her and gently put it down. I was watching this whole thing with amusement clear on my face.

"Well, Chiron wanted to know if we had anyone else to help and I really wanted for me and Lacey to do this so I told him you already volunteered." Miranda said slowly.

Katie picked up another pillow to chuck at her but I quickly pulled it out of her hands, causing her to glare at me. I stared at her and she stared back, neither of us backing down. Finally, she sighed and turned back towards her sister.

"If it helps, Piper is doing it too." Miranda added. "And Leo volunteered to be his model."

Katie glared at Miranda and I, and then softened at my expression. "Fine. But Travis is my model." She stated, crossing her arms.

"Yay!" Miranda yelled as she ran out of the room.

"What!" I exclaimed, sitting up. "Why are you dragging me into this?"

"If Piper has a model, I want one too. Besides, Leo will be doing it for Piper so you won't be completely alone." Katie stated, putting her hands on the back of my neck.

I sighed. "Ok, but you owe me for this." Katie raised her eyebrows at me. "Oh really? And how can I make it up to you?" She asked, mocking me slightly.

"I get to prank you." I sing-songed as I stood up. She rolled her eyes but stood up too, taking my hand in hers. "Fine, let me grab my bag and then we can get this over with."


I didn't know what I was expecting walking into this whole situation, but sitting in front of 33 campers as Katie did who knows what to my face with makeup, was not it.

"If my model would sit still, then I could show you all how to properly apply eyeshadow but he doesn't seem to want to cooperate." Katie stated, causing some campers to laugh.

"Well if the makeup artist wasn't just so gosh darn gorgeous maybe I would be able to focus." I replied, causing Katie to blush and more
campers to laugh. There was nothing I loved more than embarrassing Katie by complimenting her in public.

Well, besides Katie.

Sitting across the room from us was Piper and Leo, teaching another group of kids how to braid hair. Leo grinned as all the campers looked up at him, and Piper continued to explain how to keep the hair from bunching up at the bottom.

Katie rolled her eyes and went back to putting some powder on my eyelid, but I wasn't lying when I said she made me lose focus. She was entirely focused on my eyelid, and she moved closer to me to help. Her hands were gripping my face and tilting it every time she needed a different angle. Her nose was just barely touching mine, and she was chewing on her bottom lip in concentration. Katie's freckles seemed darker in the lighting, and looked like someone had speckled brown paint all of her nose and cheeks.

Gods she was beautiful.

Unable to stop myself, I quickly kissed her on the cheek. All of the campers started cheering or saying "awww" at us. Katie blushed deeply and whispered, "What was that for?"

I shrugged and whispered, "I just love you." Katie flushed even deeper, if that was possible, and mumbled back, "I love you too."

She turned back towards her audience and said, "Something to take from that everybody, is to not move while you are doing eye makeup, or you will mess it all up. Like I did."

Katie turned back to me with a mock glare, but gave me the tiniest grin as she looked through her bag for a makeup remover.

Finally, she finished up my face by applying a nude lipstick colour. She turned my face towards the crowd and said, "And there you all go, the makeup tutorial no one but Miranda asked for."

Katie looked back and me and smiled, "So pretty." She murmured, leaning in to kiss me. I put my hands on her waist and pulled her closer as her mouth made contact with mine. Katie pulled away faster than I would have liked but she laughed as she said, "You taste like lipstick."

please remember to vote guys! thank u to these amazing people for voting! Keiradakettle electronio2008

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