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before we start: i hate one shots that are about couples getting married or getting older and idky. i decided to make ONE one shot set in the future and here it is. sorry if it sucks :/

"Shit." I muttered, staring at the 2 lines on my 4th pregnancy test. "Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit." I repeated. By now, I had gotten the two lines enough to believe I was actually pregnant, and it wasn't a false positive.

This couldn't be happening. Could it? I mean, I was happy to be expecting, don't get me wrong. I loved kids, and I had always wanted to start a family, but what if Travis didn't?

I was being ridiculous. Travis had told me multiple times he wanted to have kids, but what if he was lying? What if he was going to leave me? What would I do?

I felt tears burn in my eyes. Stupid pregnancy hormones. Travis would never leave me.

Would he?

I could feel all of my thoughts start to spiral as more worse case scenarios played out in my head. Travis had been working a lot lately, what if he was getting sick of me and he wanted to end things? This morning, he had told me that he wanted to talk to me about something when he got home. Was he actually going to end everything? He wouldn't...would he?

The first tear fell out of my eye, and after that they wouldn't stop. I sat on the edge of the bathtub. What if I wasn't a good mother? I didn't have one growing up...maybe I won't know how to take care of the baby?

I buried my face in my hands. It was only 6:30, and Travis hasn't been coming home until 8:00 recently. I would be by myself until then, trying to deal with everything. I had forgotten how to handle my emotions by myself. Travis had always been there to help ever since we first started dating, which was almost 10 years ago.

Deep breaths. That's what Travis always told me to take. I tried sucking in a breath, but it felt like I couldn't get enough air inside. My breathing was becoming fast and erratic, and I didn't know what else to do to help calm myself down.

What was I going to do? Miranda was on her honeymoon, and I wasn't going to interrupt her. All of my friends were probably busy and I wouldn't want to bother them anyway.

"Katie, I'm home!" I heard Travis call. My eyes widened and my breathing picked up even faster. I turn to lock the bathroom door. Why was he home this early? He sounded pretty happy, but what if something happened?

"No, no, no, no, no." I whispered as I looked at all of the pregnancy tests. I looked in the mirror and saw my red and puffy face. Travis would know immediately that I had been crying, and he would see the tests and know Iw as pregnant. What was I going to do?

"Katie?" Travis asked. I could hear walking through the apartment, eventually stopping at the closed bathroom door.

"Hey Katie Kat! I'm home early tonight." He said to the closed door.

I know. I thought miserably as I frantically moved around the bathroom, trying to piece a plan together.

"Katie? Is everything okay?" He asked, his upbeat tone becoming more serious.

He would see the tests in the garbage can so there was no point in throwing them out. If he asked me why I was crying then I wouldn't be able to not tell him. I suck at lying.

I could hear the gears twisting in the lock as Travis opened the door.

"Katie? Is everything oka-" He stopped talking as he looked around the bathroom. He looked between me and the pregnancy tests, a look of shock on his face.

At once, he rushed towards me and wrapped his arms tightly around me. "Oh my gods Katie. Oh my gods." He murmured, I could hear the smile in his voice.

I sank into him and felt my knees buckle. He quickly knelt down, taking me with him as we sat on the floor. I kept crying and by now I wasn't even sure why. He pushed my head into the place between his neck and shoulder, wrapping his arms tighter around me as I cried. I pulled away slightly to look at him.

"Are you mad? I understand if your mad or don't want-" He cut me off with a kiss.

"Katie, I'm not mad. Why would I be mad?"

I sighed as more tears fell. "Well you have been coming home super late and you said you wanted to talk about something when you got home so I thought that you wanted to break up with me and I was kinda freaking out if you couldn't tell." I rushed out, my voice wavering even more.

He softened as he looked at me. "I'm sorry. I wish I wasn't working as much, it's just they are thinking of promoting me so they are giving me more work to see if I could handle it."

I threw my arms around him in a hug again. "Travis, that's amazing. I'm sorry for being so paranoid-"

"Katie, I asked to be promoted because I was planning on buying a house. That what I wanted to talk to you about tonight. I was going to tell you that I wanted to start a family and maybe start by buying a house. I would never break up with you. Ever."

I felt more tears fall as he kept talking. He wrapped me up in a hug before abruptly pulling back.

"You have a baby inside of you." He stated, any trace of humor gone from his voice.

"I know, it's weird." I said.

He put both of his hands on my stomach. "You have a baby inside of you." He repeated. "Do you think I crushed it when I hugged you? Does it hurt? Are you in pain?" He frantically asked me.

I laughed as I leaned forward to kiss his cheek. "I'm okay right now. And no, you didn't crush it by hugging me."

Travis looked at me with an "Are you sure?" expression on his face.

"Travis, you didn't crush the baby." I said again.

He released a sigh of relief. I started to get up, only for Travis to place both hands on my arms and carefully help me stand.

I rolled my eyes at him. "Trav, I'm fine. I can stand up by myself."

"You can never be too careful." He said as he slipped his arm around my waist as we headed back to the couch.

I don't know what I was ever so worried about.

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