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I whipped my head around, my eyes flicking across the burned grass. Gold dust was littered across the ground, the only physical thing left of the monsters who had attacked us.

I turned around, checking for Travis and Connor. They both stood farther away from me, but they seemed to be perfectly fine. A few cuts and bruises could be seen, but none of them were major. They were currently in a heated discussion about something, too busy to notice me.

As the adrenaline ebbed away, I could feel the full force of my stab wound. It burned and made me choke back a sob. My vision blurred from the pain, and when I looked down at my side, I saw it was soaked in blood.

I looked back up to see Travis and Connor still arguing about something, gesturing wildly with their hands. By now, I couldn't even tell the difference between them, and I always knew who was who.

I sighed in relief at seeing them alive, before I gave into the pain and everything went black.


I could hear voices coming in and out. They would fade and then suddenly come back so loud, I would grimace.

"Hang on Katie Kat, you're going to be fine." I heard a voice say. It sounded like someone was trying to be reassuring, but there was an edge of desperation to their words.

"Connor, go get my bag. I left it by the tree." The voice said again.

It's Travis, I thought dumbly. I still didn't have enough strength to open my eyes, but I could feel him rolling up my shirt to check the wound.

"Katie, you need to wake up. Now." Travis said firmly, placing his hands on my face. The usual trace of humor in his voice had disappeared.

Gathering up as much energy as I could, I opened my eyes slightly. I saw Travis sigh in relief.

"You are going to be okay, Katie Kat. You hear me? You are not dying on me. Not now." Travis said, his blue eyes staring straight into mine. Desperation was starting to creep back into his voice, and I wanted to tell him not to worry about me. All I could do is nod slightly, my eyes already starting to flutter shut again.

I felt myself slipping back into a blissful sleep as Connor came back with the first-aid supplies.


I heard bits and pieces of conversations. Travis and Connor's voice would drift in and out, just as I kept coming in and out of consciousness.

"We should get her to camp-"

"Maybe home is better,"

"You're doing it wrong"

"-take her to a hospital?"

"Mom could help-"

"-more qualified for it."

"-bus stop nearby,"

"-getting her there might-"

Just as soon as I finally drifted off, I was woken up.

"Okay Katie, we are taking you home with us. Can you walk?" Travis asked.

I put my hands in front of me, Connor and Travis taking the hint and pulling me up. I gripped their hands tightly, not letting them let go. I took one step forward with my right leg and almost collapsed as pain shot up my side.

"That's a no to walking." Connor stated, cautiously staring at my side.

"I'm fine." I muttered, squeezing my eyes shut as a wave a nausea rolled through me.

Connor scoffed, glancing between Travis and I. He raised his eyebrows at Travis, and before I knew it, Travis had scooped me up into his arms.

"Okay, the bus stop is 20 minutes away, and that can take us to mom's in 15 minutes. Everyone get the plan?" Travis asked, shifting his grip on me.

The bandage around my side was pressed against him and I winced, shutting my eyes as I let the pain pass.

"We need to hurry." Connor said, staring at us.

"Try to get some rest, okay Katie Kat?" Travis said quietly as Connor packed up all of our stuff.

I nodded, too tired to correct the name he called me.

My head fell against Travis' warm chest, and before I knew it, I was falling asleep.


"Mom! We need some help!" I heard Travis shout, waking me up as he walked into the house.

"We are home by the way!" Connor added.

Travis was still carrying me but I was finding it more difficult to stay awake. He hadn't let go of me the whole time, and ignored the stares we got as we sat on the bus.

I closed my eyes as a feeling of dizziness washed over me. It felt like the whole room was spinning around me, making me nauseous. I distantly heard footsteps approaching me but I was too tired to look.

"Put her in the guest room." A female voice said, who I assumed was the Stolls mother. More movement, more nausea. My side had gotten worse as we walked to the bus, and as we walked to their house. It was burning now, and I could tell that the bandage had bled through.

I was laid down somewhere soft and cushiony. Maybe a nap would help the pain. I could feel myself starting to drift off when I hear a voice say something above me.

"Okay Katie, I'm giving you some painkillers to help you sleep and then I'm going to start. Are you ready?"

I managed to squint my eyes open slightly, and saw the blurred figure of a woman, and two more people in the corner. Not having the strength the protest, I nodded before succumbing to the darkness.

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