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this is them meeting up with percy almost a year after he went missing (after the battle with Gaea)

third person pov:
Percy looked around, trying to spot any of his old friends. He had seen plenty of campers he kind of knew from last year already, but he was looking for a few specific people.

"Percy!" He heard someone yell from behind him. Before he could even turn around, Percy was tackled to the ground by 2 people.

Here they are. Percy thought, grinning.

"Hey Stolls." He laughed.

"We've been looking everywhere for you!" Connor exclaimed as he got off of Percy.

"You really thought you could sneak off to your cabin before we saw you?" Travis added, as he very slowly moved off of Percy. They all stood up and did the handshake they created when they were 13, before going in for a hug.

"Percy! Trying to hide him from everyone, Stolls?" Another voice added as he pulled away from them.

Percy turned to see Katie Gardener walk up the hill to where they were. Katie and the Stolls had been at camp since Percy had arrived, and they had been friends since then. Percy had known the Stolls since he had stayed in the Hermes cabin, and they were probably his closest friends here, besides Annabeth. Percy and Katie were also friends from being head counselors, and starting prank wars with the Stolls.

Katie was grinning at him as she walked up the hill. Percy returned the smile as he pulled her in for a hug. Katie was basically all the campers mom, always looking out for everyone. Including Percy.

Suddenly, Katie pulled away and punched him in the arm. "Where have you been? Do you know how worried we were?" She demanded, crossing her arms.

Percy rubbed his arm and laughed. "Good to see you too Katie."

Katie softened slightly, just as Travis tossed an arm around her shoulder.

"So, where are these roman friends of yours? We've heard a lot about them from Piper and Superman." Travis said, grinning.

Much to Percy's surprise, Katie let Travis stay where he was, instead of shrugging him off like she normally did. This was probably the most confusing thing Percy had seen all day.

He couldn't help but stare at Travis' arm as he said, "Yeah, I think they are with Nico by the infirmary. Anyways, are you guys dating?" Percy demanded, a smug smile on his face.

Katie blushed slightly as Travis grinned. "Uh, yeah, we are." She said.

Percy looked at Connor before turning back to them. Connor started to mutter, "No, no, no, no."

"And, if you could please tell me, when did you start dating?" Percy asked, grinning more with each word.

"A week after Christmas," Travis said warily. "Why?"

Percy whooped and started to yell, "Hah! I beat you Connor! I want those drachmas before tomorrow!"

Connor sighed as Katie demanded, "You guys had a bet on us?"

"Yup!" Percy said. "And I won it."

"What exactly was the bet?" Travis asked. He wasn't as annoyed as Katie, but Travis was never able to be upset with someone for longer than 2 minutes.

"I bet that you guys would get together on Valentine's day and he bet you would get together at Christmas." Connor said, scowling at a smiling Percy.

"And I was right!" Percy cheered, looking back to see Katie, Connor, and Travis all frowning at him.

"Alright, let's go see Hazel and Frank now." Percy amended.

Travis kept his arm around Katie the whole time, while Percy kept grinning at Connor.

i hate this. this has been sitting in my drafts for a while and i felt bad that i hadn't updated for a while. anyway, thank you for all of the votes!



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