tutoring au (part 2)

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I looked around the hallway, trying to spot the familiar head of floppy brown curls. After a few seconds of searching to no avail, I sighed and turned back to my locker. The bell had just rung and it felt like every student at our school was walking through the hallway.

I fished around in my locker trying to find my English textbook when I heard a voice shout, "Katie!" I looked up and saw my friends Annabeth and Piper walking towards me. I smiled at them and waved before turning back to my locker. Piper ran over and swung her arm around me in a hug before letting go. "What's up Kates?" She asked, grinning. "Nothing." I replied, scanning the crowd once again for Travis.

The past few weeks of tutoring went well. Really well actually. I got an 89 on my last English quiz, and Travis was actually doing well in Botany. Today was the day we got our end of unit test scores back for Botany, and I was waiting for Travis to come out of the classroom. Because of a deal I made on the first day of our tutoring sessions, I now had to go on a date with him if he got above a 90. In the beginning, this didn't worry me. Travis had a D- average, and wouldn't focus on studying for longer than 5 minutes. Over the weeks though, he got good. Really good. Now I was worried he would get above a 90 and I would have to go out on a date.

I was worried because I wanted to go out with him. We grew closer over the past few weeks, and I started looking forward to our studying sessions. Turns out, Travis can be funny when he wants to be. He isn't a total jerk to me either. He says hi to me in the halls, and walked around with me a few times. But what if now, he didn't want to go out? What if he changed his mind?

Piper cut through my thoughts as she asked me, "Looking for your hot tutor?" I rolled my eyes at her but I could feel my face heat up. "How is Travis anyway? Do you think he will get above a 90?" Annabeth asked, thankfully dragging the conversation away from my crush on Travis. I shrugged, "I'm not sure. He has been doing well lately but still. So far the highest score I've heard someone has gotten was the 85." Piper pulled out a pack of gum from her pocket and offered me one. I shook my head as she said, "Don't forget about your 93." Her attention caught on something behind me and she smirked. "Well, Annabeth and I have to head to gym. Someone has got to destroy Percy and Jason in dodgeball and I think it should be us. See ya Katie."

They turned around to leave, but before I could respond arms wrapped around me and lifted me off the ground. I laughed as Travis turned me around once before setting me down. "Hey Katie Kat. What's up?" He asked. I shrugged, "Nothing much." Remembering why I wanted to talk to him, I straightened. "What did you get on the botany test?" I asked, determination flooding my voice. Travis grinned at me as he said, "Take a guess." I rolled my eyes, annoyed he wouldn't just tell me. I tapped my chin, pretending to be deep in thought. "85." I stated, praying it would be above my answer.

His grin grew even more, causing my heart to stutter. "91.5" He said, grabbing the paper out of his backpack to show me. My mouth dropped open in surprise. "No way! Let me see." I snatched the paper out of his hand before he could protest, and I heard him chuckle at my conviction. I checked the test front and back before breaking into a huge smile. "You did it! I'm so proud of you." I said, smiling so much my face hurt. His grin became genuine at my reaction. "Well I have you to thank, don't I Katie Kat?"

I rolled my eyes but could feel myself blushing. Travis propped one arm on my locker and leaned down, smirking as he said, "I seem to remember a deal that we made on our first day. Something about a date if I get above a 90?" My blush grew at the closeness of his face but I ignored it. "I think I remember something like that but you'll have to remind me." I said, teasing him. He leaned back slightly, eyebrows raising at my remark. He sighed dramatically before saying, "Fine Katie Kat, if you want me to say it so bad I will." I opened my mouth to say something but he continued on. "Katie Gardener, tutor extraordinaire, botany genius, average English student, will you go on a date with me?" I grinned, trying not to laugh at him.

"Well, when you put it that way," I started, "there's no way I could say no to that." He brightened and my heart did another stupid stutter thing. Travis started walking backwards away from me as he called out, "I'll pick you up at 6:00 tonight!" I laughed as I watched him run into multiple people. "See you then!" I called back, returning my attention towards my locker again.

As I walked towards my English class, the only thing I could think about was how Piper was going to lose her mind over this.

Authors note:
Ok so I've been rushing to finish this so sorry if it's bad! I'm ok with it ig but whatever. Anyways vote and comment if u liked it!💕💕🤟🤟🤟

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