tutoring au (part 1)

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When I walked into third period, the last thing I thought would happen would be being sent to the guidance counselors office. The only time I had been there was when I had too many extra curricular activities in freshman year and Mr. Brunner was worried I would get overwhelmed. As a compromise, I stepped down from being one of the librarian's assistants.

After 5 minutes of aimless wandering in the halls, I finally found the office. I walked in and saw Mr. Brunner smiling at me and Travis Stoll staring. "Uh, hi Mr. Brunner." I muttered. I didn't bother acknowledging Travis as I sat down in the seat next to him.

You see, I hated Travis. It wasn't just that he constantly disrupted any class, pranked me and my friends, and never took anything seriously, he also made fun of the fact that I was the complete opposite of him. I was responsible and I had straight A's since the start of school, (well, except for English). I was quiet and, unlike him, never trying to piss everyone off. Travis and I only knew each other because my aunt and his mom are good friends. If it wasn't for them, he wouldn't even know I existed.

I really wish he didn't know I existed.

"Well, you are probably both wondering why I called you down here, correct?" Mr. Brunner started. Travis and I both nodded hesitantly. Mr. Brunner was a middle aged man with thick brown hair and a beard. He was in a wheelchair and there were hundreds of rumours of how he got there. Escaping prison, getting into a fight, going to war, and even one where it was all fake to name a few. He was kind and everyone in the student body liked him.

"I have decided on a compromise that will solve both of your problems." I glanced at Travis as I said, "What problems are those again?" I honestly had no idea what I could've possibly done to deserve this. More accurately, I didn't know what Travis had done to make me deserve this.

"Considering how Travis is, ah, struggling with Botany and you are struggling with English, I have decided that you can tutor each other." He said this as if it made perfect sense. "What?" Travis and I said at the same time, and then glaring at each other for it. "Mr. Brunner, I honestly think I can get my English grade up to a B+ by myself, I really don't need a tutor." I started, hoping to convince him. Especially if it's Travis, I thought. "Yeah, and maybe I could get my Botany grade up to a C+ by myself." Travis said. Mr. Brunner stared at him with a Really? look on his face. "Ok C-, but I really don't need to be tutored by Katie." I scoffed at Travis as I turned to face him. "Oh please, no one else would even be able to help you get your grade up. You asked Ms. Stewart what glucose was the other day." Travis turned toward me with a satisfied smirk on his face as he said, "And I still don't know what it is."

Before I could continue arguing with him, Mr. Brunner yelled, "That's enough! Katie you are going to be tutored by Travis. Travis you are going to be tutored by Katie. Next time you think about covering a teachers classroom with melted chocolate, try thinking about the consequences." He directed this at Travis, and I couldn't help but grin a little at Travis' expression. "The end of unit tests in English and Botany are in 3 weeks and if even one of you gets below a 85 on them, I will extend the tutoring sessions for the rest of the year." This wiped the smile off my face.

I was awful at English. I just didn't understand any of it. The grammar and themes and vocab and what not made no sense to me. And if Travis was my tutor, there was no way I could get above an 85. I only told Mr. Brunner I could thinking it would convince him to let me handle this by myself.

"I want your tutoring to start this week, and I will let you coordinate times." Mr. Brunner finished. He then smiled at us and said, "I know this will go well."

Travis and I walked out of the room and stood in the hallway. Hoping to get back to my Western Civilization class quickly, I started explaining when I was free to him. "I can do Tuesdays, Fridays right after school, and weekend mornings. Which works for you? We should probably get in 3 sessions a week if we want to get above a B+ in 3 weeks."

He cut me off with an arrogant wave of his hand. "Chill out Katie Kat. Let's do Tuesday and Friday right after school and Sunday mornings. Does that work for you?"

"Sure. And don't call me Katie Kat. I planned on going to the library after school today to study anyway, do you want to come? This is the only Wednesday I am free though." My gardening club had to cancel because the president, Grover, had plans and didn't want to make me fill in for him again. Travis smirked and said "Sure. Want a ride?" I nodded. "Great. See you after school."


The tutoring session was already going bad. Travis wasn't paying any attention to what I was saying and only answered me with cheesy pick up lines. I continued to tell him to stop, but he wouldn't listen. I was trying to explain how photosynthesis worked while he was trying to tell me how, "his shirt was totally made of boyfriend material".

Travis had a reputation for flirting with plenty of girls in school, I just happened to be the only one who didn't burst into giggles when he said them. Finally, an idea struck me. "Ok Travis. I will go on a date with you if you get above a 90 on the Botany test." Considering how bad he was right now, I figured this was a good deal. There was no way in hell he could ever get above a 90.

This made him grin. "Deal." He stuck his hand out for me to seal the deal. Rolling my eyes, I extended my hand to shake his. We continued the tutoring session for the next two hours, both of us switching to teach the other. He surprisingly payed attention to what I was saying, and he even did well teaching me about when to use semi colons.

As he drove me home, I couldn't help but feeling a slight sense of unease at the idea of going on a date with him.
It's cause you do want to go out with him.
I scowled at the thought. Travis just wanted to go out as a joke, so there was no point in giving myself false hope.

He pulled up in front of my house. "Thanks for the ride." I said as I grabbed my backpack. He grinned, "I'm counting down the days until our next tutoring session Katie Kat." I frowned at him as I stepped out. "Don't call me that." Before I opened my front door, I heard him call out, "I miss you already Katie Kat!" I rolled my eyes but suppressed a smile as I walked into my house.

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