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if u have been here since the start, you know i tried this before but i didn't like it so i deleted it. anyway, here's attempt number 2 of the cliché, "there's only one bed" trope :)

I scowled as Travis threw his stuff on the motel bed. His own backpack almost pushed mine over the edge, and I had quickly grab it before it would fall over. Normally, I would just ignore Travis and move on. It was literally just a backpack, but I was currently in the worst mood ever.

It started when our car broke down 3 hours ago in the middle of nowhere, then when we walked in the blistering heat until finding some random motel, and then finding out that they had a total of 6 rooms and only 1 was available. The only one available also only had 1 queen bed.

Not to mention, all of this happening with Travis Stoll.

He must've sensed my terrible mood because he had said very little for the past hour, and didn't continue to annoy me. I felt a little bad because of it, but I tried to shove that away.

"I'm showering." I stated, grabbing some clothes and walking straight into the bathroom.  Almost immediately, my face twisted in disgust because of it. The tiles were a faded color that were now more yellow than white. The shower looked...old. The curtain was falling off on two of the rings, and the mirror had cracks around the edges, but it was manageable.

As I stepped into the warm water, I tried to calm myself down. All day, it felt like my thoughts were going too fast for me to process them. Every little challenge we faced added up in my brain, and it felt like now was when I was breaking.

My biggest problem was that I blamed myself for being here. I had been desperately trying to control the quest since the beginning, but it didn't work. No matter how hard I tried, nothing went the way it was supposed to. If I had just tried harder or made different choices, we would probably be somewhere else.

A few salty tears slipped out and mixed with the warm water. I took a deep breath and composed myself, focusing on washing off the sweat and dirt from my body as a distraction.

15 minutes later, I stepped out of the bathroom in my pajamas, feeling a little better. Travis was sprawled on the bed, already dozing off.

"Travis?" I asked, trying to wake him up from the doorway.

He snapped his head up and looked over to me.

"Your turn." I said, stuffing my clothes in my backpack. He nodded and blinked slowly before standing up and walking into the bathroom.

As Travis showered, I brushed through my soaking wet hair and examined the room around me. Besides the bed in the middle, there was an old TV across from it and a small rocking chair in the corner underneath an AC unit. It seemed permanently set at 60 degrees, and it made the whole room freezing. That was it. Spider webs coated every corner and the TV didn't turn on, but the bed looked like heaven after our long day.

I heard the bathroom door unlock and then Travis step out. He rubbed a towel against his curly wet hair as he looked around. "I don't think we could've gotten anything better." He stated.

I could feel my lips twitch up at him as I suppressed a smile. He grinned at me before jumping dramatically onto the bed.

"I am not sleeping on the floor." I scoffed at him, crossing my arms.

"Well I am not either." He smirked, folding his hands behind his head as he leaned back.

"We are not sharing the bed."

"If neither of us are sleeping on the floor then we have to. Unless you want to sleep on the rocking chair?" Travis replied.

I rolled my eyes at him before pushing the covers of the bed back and climbing in.

"If you move onto my side, I have the right to push you off the bed." I mumbled as I turned away from him.

"Same goes for you." He said casually. What was the most frustrating was how unfazed he seemed by everything. Nothing that had happened today mattered to him, meanwhile I was freaking out about everything.

"Sweet dreams Katie Kat." Travis said.

I'm pretty sure he could hear my eye roll in response.

I turned off the light and pulled all of the blankets over me. Despite the uncomfortableness of the bed, I could already feel myself drifting off the sleep after only a few minutes.


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