halloween p.1

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let's pretend percy didn't go missing before halloween
this is post manhattan, pre gaea
2348 words

"You better not ditch me." I warned Annabeth, trying to mask my nervousness with exasperation.

She stopped walking so she could turn around to face me. Her grey eyes softened a little with sympathy. She was too smart to not see through my act.

"Don't worry Katie. We can leave whenever you want, just let me know." Annabeth said.

I perked up at the prospect of leaving after 2 minutes but she saw that too.

"We are staying for a minimum of 30 minutes." She interrupted. I scowled at her. "C'mon, I promised Percy I would go with him to this party, and I already told him no to the couples costume. He's probably already planning our breakup." She added, causing me to roll my eyes and scoff.

"Please, do I have to remind you that he gave up immortality for you?" I asked her, causing her to blush. They were so desperately in love with each other, it makes me physically ill.

"Whatever, let's just go in." She decided, taking my hand and dragging me into the Aphrodite cabin.

Last week, while I was at school, Annabeth iris messaged me to ask if I would come back to camp to go to the Aphrodite cabins Halloween party. I didn't want to go at all. I am way too introverted to go spend an hour socializing, but Annabeth told me we could do a costume together, so I said yes. She even let me pick what we were wearing.

Deciding to go with something both of us would like, I raided a thrift store and picked out some glittering, white, 70s, ABBA jumpsuits. We got matching gold gogo boots, and had spent the last hour doing our hair and makeup together. Annabeth and I had been ABBA fans since we were 12, and we had been planning on dressing up as them for a while.

Taking a deep breath, we both stepped into the party. Music boomed from multiple speakers, and there was black and orange decoration everywhere.

Almost immediately, a bloody zombie mask jumped in front of Annabeth and I's vision, causing us to scream. We stumbled backward, but hit a wall covered in fake blood, causing us to scream again. Whipping our heads around, we saw Travis pull off the zombie mask, and Connor and Percy come over towards us, laughing.

Annabeth and I glowered at them, making Percy walk over to Annabeth and put his arms around her.

"I'm sorry Wise Girl, we didn't mean to scare you guys that bad, I swear." Percy said, smiling at her.

Annabeth softened and gave him a kiss on the cheek, forgiving him a lot easier than I would've. I rolled my eyes at them and muttered, "Traitor." at her.

Travis came over to me too and slung an arm around my shoulders. "I'm sorry too Katie Kat, I would never want to hurt my baby." He said in a mocking, sappy tone, making fun of Percy and Annabeth.

I stifled a laugh and shoved him off of me, ignoring the blush that spread across my face."What a great welcoming guys. Really, one of your best." I said, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

Connor did an over dramatic bow at me, grinning wildly.

I turned back towards Annabeth, smiling despite myself. "We are leaving in 31 minutes, okay?" I asked her, causing Percy to frown a little.

"What? But the Stolls are making me stay for the whole thing! You can't leave me here with them." He whined.

"Help then scare another person." I replied calmly, looking back at Annabeth for her decision.

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