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"Fuck." I cursed as I tried to tie the knot for probably the 10th time. You would think that at 17 years old I would know how to tie a tie, and I don't.

I had about 5 minutes to actually finish getting ready before we had to leave. After Manhattan, the Olympians decided to host a huge gala in celebration. All demigods were invited, but we all had to look super fancy.

I tried again, this time managing to get my finger caught in it. I sighed in exasperation.

"Hey Trav, are you coming?" A voice asked. I turned around to see Katie walking into my room.


She looked beautiful. Like, the closest thing to perfection there ever was. I didn't even know how to describe the way she looked. She smiled and blushed behind her freckles when she saw me gaping at her.

the dress she is wearing:

"Does it look okay?" Katie asked, a level of insecurity in her voice

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"Does it look okay?" Katie asked, a level of insecurity in her voice.

I nodded dumbly, still staring.

"Better than okay." I managed to choke out. Katie laughed lightly before walking over to me.

"Need some help?" She teased, grabbing the discarded tie from the bed.

She stepped forward and looped it under my collar. Her green eyes concentrated on starting to form the knot.

"Are you wearing heels?" I suddenly asked. She was now only a few inches shorter than me, but before I had half a foot on her.

The corners of her glossed lips turned upward in amusement. "Now I am more your size." She said before glancing back down at the tie.

I reached my hand to tuck a stray strand of hair behind her ear. She looked up at me and smiled softly, temporarily stopping her hands.

"You're so beautiful Kates." I mumbled, staring at her again.

She tugged me forward by my, now finished, tie and kissed me. Every time we kissed it felt like everything around us slowly melted away until it was just Katie and I.

I always wanted it to just be Katie and I.

I kept one hand on her face and pressed the other in between her shoulder blades, pushing her closer to me. She smiled against my lips as her hands roamed my shoulders.

She pulled back slightly and gave me one more peck on the lips before stepping away.

"We are seriously going to be late now." Katie stated.

I looped my arm around her waist and kissed the side of her forehead.

"Let's go then." I said simply.

this is bad and kinda boring but idk i thought it would be cute. anyway vote if u liked it! love u all


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