apartments p.2

640 16 5

i literally wrote that earlier chapter in like 30 minutes and then was so tired i didn't even read it back or write a note. thank you for all of the love on it??!!! i love you all♥️♥️

I nervously bounced on the balls of my feet as I waited for Katie to open the door. I normally wasn't nervous for...anything really, but today I couldn't stop fidgeting. I hadn't seen Katie since she dropped off the muffins, which had not even lasted the day, and I spent almost the entire time without her, thinking about her.

She had invited me to dinner with her friends, and it sounded casual, so I just wore jeans and a sweatshirt. As I waited, I suddenly wanted to go back and look nicer.

Before I could turn around and leave, the door opened to reveal Katie. She brightened, and I felt my eyes widen.

I am so not prepared for this.

She wore a dark green tank top, jeans, and a oversized brown sweater, her hair piled up on top of her head. She looked beautiful.

"Hey!" Katie said, smiling up at me. "Come on in."

I walked in and heard the door click shut behind me as I looked around. The room was filled with the most amazing smells, and I made a mental note to ask Katie what it was. Despite our apartments being the same size and layout, hers somehow felt bigger. It was all open, with no doors to separate rooms besides the one hallway to the bedroom and bathroom.

To the left was a kitchen, Katie had painted all of the cabinets a dark green, in front was a large living room that led to a dining room and small reading corner. While my place was still semi bare, with almost 0 decorations up, it looked like Katie's didn't have a single spare space. There were books, paintings, crystals, and posters everywhere, but more noticeably, there were plants.

There were plants that stretched all the way up to the ceiling, vases filled with flowers, and small jars with succulents that seemed to be everywhere.

I suddenly felt much more comfortable with my decision to get her a bouquet of flowers.

Remembering my gift, I pulled them out from behind my back and turned to her.

"I got these for you, by the way. As a thank you for not letting me spend my first Saturday in the neighborhood alone."

She softened slightly as she took the bouquet. "Travis," She started, looking at the flowers as she blushed, "You didn't have to do this."

I shrugged and feigned nonchalance. "My mom would've crucified me if I didn't. There's absolutely nothing more important to her than gifts for the host."

She looked at me with a small smile before turning around. She walked over to a dark green cabinet and pulled a vase out.

"My moms the same way. Where are you from, again?" She asked as she filled it up with water.

"New Jersey. I moved to the city for college and have stayed here since." I walked over to her island and rested my elbows against it, watching as Katie methodically cut the stems of each flower a little so they would fit into the vase.

"Same for me. I lived with my dad in Vermont but moved here to stay with my mom while I finished school."

I nodded as I fidgeted with the cuffs of my sweatshirt.

"So, what is that amazing smell?" I asked, seeing Katie smile from the corner of my eye.

"Well, I didn't know what you liked so I just went with Italian for tonight. I made rigatoni with vodka sauce, toasted garlic bread, caesar salad, and roasted tomatoes."

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