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i feel like all i write is mortal au....anyway here's another one!!!

"You must pair up with someone throughout the next week to review and critique each other's works. I don't care who it is, or how you meet, you just need to have someone to go over your work and help you get better."

I scribbled down as many notes as I could as Professor. Liu continued explaining our next assignment.

"Personally, I think it is more beneficial to confer with someone who has written their short story in a different genre, but it is up to you. Come back next class with your revised stories."

Everyone started packing up their belongings, and I mentally made a list of the people who I could work with. Despite my creative writing class having almost 40 students, I hadn't talked to at least 30 of them. First, there were Allie and Courtney. They were best friends and probably the closet people I could maybe call "friends" in this class.

I could choose to ask one of the smart, front row kids, but most of them either worked by themselves or with their fellow geniuses.

My last option was to go talk to someone new, which made my anxiety spike just thinking about it.

Just as I was narrowing down my options, a voice interrupted my thoughts.

"Want to work together?" The voice asked, coming from my left. I turned over in surprise to look at Travis. We had been sitting next to each other since the beginning of the year, solely because he came in late everyday and the only spot was next to me.

He had gotten this reputation in class for his stories, they were always crazy adventurous, and 80% had something to do with aliens. Besides that, Travis was also the human form of "not doing much but still getting good grades" which was something I always wished I had. He asked me for a pencil every class, including todays. We had talked a few times, but only because he drops his books every class and we always end up being the last two walking out.

"Us?" I asked, gaping at him. We had completely different styles of writing, and I thought he was aware that I wasn't exactly too fond of him.

His infamously charming grin came out as he looked at me. "Yeah, us. Professor. Liu said we should work with someone who had a different style, and I think ours are about as different as they come."

I remembered my embarrassingly short list of possible people to work with, and noticed how we were the only people in the room.

"Sure." I replied, surprising us both. "Let's work together."

Travis stood up and grabbed his backpack, and I did the same as we both started walking towards the exit.

"So what days work for you? I only have afternoon classes so mornings work for me or nights." Travis explained, stopping to hold the door open for me. I walked past and thought through my schedule.

"I mostly have morning classes but I think nights work for me." I glanced over at Travis, who was still grinning. What was with him? How did always look like he watching a funny movie, and not like we were just walking through one of our campus hallways?

"Actually, want to just go now?" He said, stopping to look at me.

I stopped too, and peered up at him. I wasn't exactly short, but he still had a good half a foot on me.

"I mean, if you're free now." He added, casually brushing his brown curls away from his face. That action used to bother me so much because it would always fall right back into place. This time, however, I found it kind of endearing. Cute almost.

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