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I looked in the mirror and wiped the few remaining tears away. My eyes were red and my cheeks were splotchy, but the worst of it was over. I splashed some water on my face hoping to get rid of the puffiness.

I took a few deep breaths. "You're ok. You're fine." I told myself.

Ever since the battle in Manhattan, I had been like this almost every time I was alone. Crying over my lost siblings and friends. I was emotionally exhausted from the past week, and I just wanted to get rid of all of my feelings.

Taking one more deep breath, I left the girls bathroom. I placed both hands on my stomach as I walked away. I was passing by the boys bathroom when I heard a noise.

It was a mix between a sob and a grunt. I stopped in my tracks and listened. More sobs. Someone was definitely crying in there and it was bad.

My head counselor instincts immediately kicked in and I had the urge to bust down the door and see who it was. I stopped myself and pressed my ear to the door, waiting to see if someone else was already there. More sobs were heard, but nothing else. Someone was definitely there by themselves.

I hesitated. I should go and get another male counselor to see if they could help, but I didn't want to leave this person by themselves any longer.

Going against my better judgement, I knocked on the door and stepped in.

This is the men's bathroom! Get out! I mentally told myself.

All of my thoughts came to a halt though when I saw who was crying. There, in the corner, past all of the stalls, was Travis. He was curled into a corner with his knees pulled up underneath his chin.

He looked up at the intrusion and his expression immediately went from vulnerable and sad, to guarded and wary.

We both stood there for a few seconds, just staring at each other.

It was like we were each waiting for the other to make a move. I was waiting for him to crack a sarcastic comment or scream at me to leave. Travis seemed to be waiting for me to leave, or make fun of him.

The tears that continued to fall down his cheeks reminded me why I came here. I didn't care if he was my supposed "enemy" I came here to help whoever was so upset.

I took a few steps forward as he watched with a wary expression.

It felt like I was stepping towards a caged animal, waiting for him to lash out.

Gradually, as it was clear that I wasn't here to make fun of him, Travis' expression fell. The toughness was replaced with exhausted vulnerability.

I knelt down next to him and hesitantly placed a hand on his shoulder. He stared at me with surprise and also...relief. Without thinking, I let my counselor tendencies kick in. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him in for a hug.

This was confusing for both of us. We hated each other. But here I was, pulling him in for a tight hug. If there was one thing I was good at though, it was comforting people.

After a moment, Travis gave in and hugged me back. He pushed his head into the place between my neck and shoulder and tightened his grip.

I slowly ran my hands down his back and nudged his head further into my neck, silently letting him know it was okay. This whole thing felt like walking on a tightrope. We were testing things out, hoping not to slip and fall.

After a few seconds, I heard Travis whisper against my skins, "I still miss him." His voice broke slightly as he said it, and I felt my heart break too. I knew he was talking about Luke without having to specify, and he seemed to know this too.

When we were kids, the Stolls and Luke were almost always together. Luke was their cool older brother, who they looked up to. Even I could tell that there was no one else Travis loved more at this camp besides Connor and Luke. I never thought about how Travis would react to Luke betraying camp, and it never even crossed my mind until now.

Where Travis was silently crying into me.

"I know." I whispered gently. He tightened his arms around me and cried harder. I felt tears threaten in my eyes as I held Travis. They were both tears of understanding and sympathy. I knew what it was like to feel so confused. Even when I was fighting campers who had betrayed us, I hated it.

I missed my friends who left, and I couldn't make myself fight them. I knew I should've hated them, but I couldn't.

Travis then pulled away just enough to see my face. Even when his checks were covered in tears and his bright, blue eyes were red, he still looked amazing. Seeing the tear tracks down his face made my heart break even more. Travis seemed to study my eyes, trying to detect any ulterior motive. There wasn't one. He must've realized I had also just been breaking down because he suddenly pulled me back.

We must've stayed liked that for almost an hour, in each other's arms and feeling like the only people who understood one another. It was strange, but it also made so much sense that I was here with Travis. Somehow, over the years of hating him, I learned more about him than anyone else.

Travis Stoll, my "nemesis", was currently the only person who I felt like I could talk to.

ew kinda hate this 🤨☝️ anyways i'm just going to post it so i can get something new out. enjoy and VOTE ‼️‼️

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