after the battle

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every single writer in the pjo fandom has written this one shot already but i'm doing one anyway

I couldn't find him anywhere. I looked everywhere in the infirmary, in the Empire State Building, every candy store in a 1 miles radius. Travis wasn't there. I was asking any demigod in sight if they had seen him, but none had.

I was getting weird looks everywhere I went. I was covered in dirt and bruises, bleeding on my arms and face, and as pale as a ghost. And I was desperately trying to find the person I hated most. I had used too much of my powers during the battle, but instead of resting like I should've been doing, I was going around Manhattan trying to find my enemy.

I was quickly running out of strength, but I wasn't going to stop. I had to find Travis. Deciding to go back to where the Demeter cabin was stationed, I turned around and headed towards the tunnel.

It was still filled to the brim with plants, and I could barely make my way through without using my powers. I felt thorns snagging on my legs and arms, but I was too weak to clear a path. I didn't want to yell Travis' name in case a monster was here, so I was stuck wandering around aimlessly.

"I have been waiting to see someone else here." I heard a voice hiss distantly. I whipped my head around and looked everywhere, but the voice was too far away to be talking to me.

"Where's Katie?" A different voice demanded. I straightened. It was Travis.

"Oh, she's dead." The other person said carelessly. Wait what? I thought, confused.

I started following the direction of the voices, hoping to get to Travis. The other person he was talking to had a slight hiss to her words.


"You're lying." Travis replied, almost completely calm. I could hear a slight panic to his voice though, like he was trying to convince himself of what he was saying.

Please keep talking. I thought desperately, trying to track where they were.

"No I'm not." The Dracanae scoffed. "It was quite easy to kill her. I mean, she's a Demeter kid so it wasn't much of a challenge."

Don't believe her Travis. I tried to mentally communicate to him.

The Dracanae kept talking as I pushed my way through more of the tunnel.

"Actually, it was quite funny. She kept waiting, as if someone would come help her. Like maybe you might come to save her. Well you didn't. So I had the pleasure of ripping her apart, and hearing her scream."

Travis released a yell as he charged her, followed by a loud thump.

"Come on demigod," The Dracanae taunted. "Even Katie fought better."

I stumbled through the tunnel faster as more grunts and thuds were heard.

Finally, I shoved a few branches away and came to a small clearing. Travis had fallen to the ground, being cornered by the Dracanae. His sword was kicked aside, and it was too far for either of them to get. Neither of them had seen me yet.


The Dracanae raised her massive claws as she moved closer to Travis. Summoning as much strength as I possibly could, I raised my arms and focused my attention on the plants surrounding them. I sent out two vines to wrap around the monster.

She stiffened and tried to thrash, while Travis looked back at me in alarm. His half smile almost completely distracted me from the Dracanae.


I refocused on the vines that were wrapping up her arms. She whipped her head around and saw me. Snarling, she tried to turn to face me. I tightened my grip on her as I yelled, "Travis, the sword!"

Realizing what I meant, he lunged for the sword at the same time the Dracanae let out a scream.

Travis quickly stood as I squeezed my eyes shut. I was losing strength quickly, and I put everything left in me into holding the Dracanae down.

He grabbed his sword and stood, staring at the Dracanae as she whipped back towards him and thrashed.

"Hurry!" I yelled, but it came out a lot quieter than I had hoped.

Travis stepped forward and raised the sword, chopping the Dracanaes head off.

Immediately, the vines went slack and I collapsed. Travis rushed forward.

"Katie!" He exclaimed, moving me so I could sit up and face him.

"Are you alright?" Travis asked, pushing my hair away from my face. My vision was blurry but I could make out a pair of Cerulean blue eyes.

"Where were you?" I whispered, gripping his arms. The only things on my mind right now were sleep and Travis. He had a nasty bruise on his jaw and a few other cuts, but otherwise looked fine.

"I went out looking for you." He replied, staring straight into my eyes. I felt weirdly exposed when he did that, like he could understand all of my thoughts just by making eye contact.

I laughed. It was breathy and dry, a product of my exhaustion. "Well that's funny cause I went out looking for you."

He stiffened slightly, still holding onto my waist to keep me upright. Then, Travis reached up and gently traced the cut I was bleeding from on my face. I kept my eyes on his while he seemed transfixed by my minor cut.

"Are you ok?" Travis asked gently, never taking his eyes off my cheek.

"Yeah," I said quietly, not wanting him to move away from me, "Just very tired." He tucked a hair behind my ear, and I felt goosebumps rise from it.

Against my silent wishes, he drew his hand back as his blue eyes scoured my face. "We should get you back to the others." He said, neither of us moving.

I nodded, but stayed still.

"I really thought you died, Katie Kat." Travis whispered.

Not saying anything, I tightened my grip on his arms, silently letting him know I was here and not dead.

Then, as if a silent confession happened between us, we both moved forward, leaning in until our lips connected. The kiss was everything I needed, like a burst of energy and reassurance.

Travis was here. We were both ok. The fighting was over.

I moved my hands up to cup his face gently, as his tightened around my waist. I didn't know I had been waiting for this kiss until now, when it was happening. Everything that was going on felt like it was supposed to, like all the pieces were finally falling into place.

Travis gently pulled away, pressing his forehead against mine. I sighed slightly and closed my eyes.

Travis took both my hands and stood up, pulling me up with him.

"Let's go Kates." He said, wrapping an arm around me to help me walk.

Not having the energy to respond, I just closed my eyes and rested my head against him.

this was very long but i actually like it? idk vote if u enjoyed and have an amazing summer!

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