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CW: talks about throwing up


Waking up, I could already tell it was going to be a bad day. I hadn't slept well, even though I was exhausted from our previous capture the flag game. Every time I started to drift off, I would wake up and not be able to fall asleep.

I had barely managed to sleep for 30 minutes before my alarm went off. I sat up, and immediately raced to the bathroom. I kneeled in front of our small toilet and threw up the few contents of my stomach.

I sat back finally, thankful the worst of it was over. Just as I took a breath though, I doubled over again and threw up more. Distantly, I heard the door open and footsteps approaching.

"Oh, Katie." I heard Miranda say as she pulled my hair back and tried to help.

"Why don't you stay in the cabin for the day, I'll take care of everything else." She started as I sat back and took deep breaths.

I shook my head. "I'm fine, it's probably just something I ate."

Miranda gave me a look as she stood up to get me water. I brushed my teeth and tried to convince her I was fine. She must've not seen my legs shaking, so I guess I did a good job.

"Are you sure-" She started but I cut her off.

"Yes, I'm fine. Thank you for worrying but I'm ok. Let's get everyone up for breakfast."


I did make myself eat some cereal at breakfast, and I felt Miranda's eyes on me the whole time.

I managed to struggle my way through archery, before I started to take my cabin towards the arena. It was my lucky day apparently, because I got to have a sword fighting class while I was sick and living on 30 minutes of sleep.

Even better, it was with Hermes Cabin. As a head counselor, that meant I had to fight with their head counselor, Travis Stoll. As enemies, we never went easy on each other. No matter what. We actually became so notorious for our non-stop fighting, the Apollo cabin regularly joked about keeping designated spots in the infirmary for us.

I tried to force the growing nausea down so I could kick Travis' butt and get this over with. I grabbed my sword and starting making my way over to where Travis and I usually sparred.

He was already standing there, his usual smirk on his face. I kept my eyes down and ignored the shaky feeling everywhere in my body.

"You ready to lose Katie Kat?" Travis asked.

"Don't call me that." Was all I muttered as I got into my first stance. A look of confusion went over his face briefly before he went back to his usual smug expression.

We started sparring, and immediately I wasn't doing well. I was too tired, which made me slow and not able to defend well. I pushed harder, and tried to fight better.

It worked for a little bit, until I got even more tired and nauseous. Travis and I's sword clang together and froze as we both tried to push them over. My arms were shaking badly, and it was noticeable.

"Hey, are you alright?" He asked, concern filling his voice.

I'm not sure why, but this made me angrier. I used as much of my arm strength as I could and forced his sword down. Travis quickly pulled back and was forced to play defense. He had a better defense than I did, so this started going even worse.

We continued fighting for a little bit, until he asked, "Katie, are you sure you're ok? You look really sick."

Again, a flood of rage came through me. "I'm fine." I spat out.

I really wasn't. I was definitely going to throw up soon. Or faint. Maybe both.

I ignored that and kept fighting. Finally, he tripped me and knocked my sword away. I was lying on the floor and forced myself to rest back on my arms as I took a few deep breaths.

"Kates, you really don't look good. Why don't we go to the infirmary?" Travis asked gently, peering over at me from above.

This whole room was too bright. Everything made my head hurt. I needed to get out of here.

I stood up and mumbled, "I have to go."

I started to walk to the nearest bathroom. I was going to throw up. I sped up, trying to go as fast as I could without passing out.

I stumbled into the, thankfully, empty bathroom and collapsed in front of the first toilet I saw. I immediately heaved out my breakfast, and I felt tears threatening in my eyes.

Suddenly, my hair was pulled away from my face and a hand started rubbing my back.

"It's ok, Katie." I heard Travis' voice say. Before I could turn around and yell at him to leave me alone, I threw up more.

Travis continued to rub my back, causing my eyes to water more.

Why was he being nice to me?

Once I finished, I leaned back against the bathroom stall, letting Travis to continue to comfort me. He rubbed my back and pulled my hair up and off of my neck.

Finally finding my voice, I said, "Why are you helping me?"

He hesitantly drew his hand back. "I don't want you sick Katie Kat." He almost whispered.

Another nauseous feeling came through me, but this one didn't make me feel bad. It was good.


Gods help me.

He stretched his hand out and put in on my forehead. I sighed in relief at the cool feeling.

"Kates, you're burning up. We should really get you to the infirmary." Travis said, worried.

He started to pull his hand away but I moved my hands to keep it in place.

"Just hold on for a second." I sighed. I was so tired. I just wanted to nap, not go deal with the Apollo cabin.

He kept his hand on my forehead even after I let him go.

"Ok," I murmured. "Ok, let's go."

I shakily stood up, leaning on Travis for support.

Before we left, I walked over to sink and chugged a, probably gross, amount of tap water.

Travis helped me over to the infirmary, not leaving my side even when we got there. They gave me a bunch of medicines before letting me lay back and rest.

Travis was still sitting patiently next to me.

I had started to drift off when I turned to Travis and quietly said, "Thank you."

Even when I woke up, Travis was sitting there waiting for me.

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