secret santa

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shut up. i know it's cliche and boring.

I had always had mixed emotions about Christmas. That time of the year seemed so romanticized that once it came, I always felt a little disappointed. It sounds selfish and bratty, but it's true. As a year round camper, it just seemed like a glaring reminder that I didn't have a family to go to. Don't get me wrong, the campers here felt like family, but it just wasn't the same. It only worsened with everyone acting like it was the best part of the year.

Still, I participated in the Secret Santa all of the head counselors did. Miranda organized it this year, so I had to. Somehow, Percy persuaded the Roman centurions to participate too, so we had a lot more people. We all had to pick names out of a hat, and I was lucky enough to get Miranda. As her best friend, I knew exactly what to get her; fuzzy slippers covered in sunflowers, gold bracelets, and a framed photo of us from her first year at camp.

I had wrapped it all up and put it in a bag, bouncing my foot as I waited for Chiron to say we could start. The excised buzz and warmth of the room that arrived every Christmas only increased with all of the new people.

"Okay!" Chiron started, clapping his hands to get everyone's attention. Miranda stood next to him, looking proud from her hard work. Our cabin had decorated the entire Big House for the holidays, and I had to admit it looked really good; especially with the fire roaring in the fireplace.

"I want to start by thanking Miranda for organizing the gift exchange for this year." Chiron continued, stopping as applause erupted for my sister. "I don't want to waste anymore time, so everyone begin!" He said, causing more cheers to erupt as everyone got up and rushed around to give their presents.

I made a beeline for Miranda, calling her name to get her attention before she tried to find who she had. "Miranda!" I said, having to shout so she could hear me.

"Don't tell me you have me." Miranda said, smiling despite her words.

"At least you know you'll be getting something you like." I said, grinning as I thrust my present towards her.

I could barely contain my excitement as she opened each present. I could see her eyes water as she finally saw the picture. "You were wrong." Miranda said, her voice wobbly. "I hate it."

I laughed loudly and threw my arms around her. She pushed her head into me and laughed wetly. "I love you Mir." I whispered.

"I love you too, Katie." Miranda mumbled. "Even if you are making me cry on Christmas Eve." She added, making me laugh as I pulled away.

She swiped at her eyes quickly. "Okay, I'm going to give my present to Sherman. Do I have mascara under my eyes?"

"No, you look amazing. Although I think you got some on my dress." I replied, glancing down at the dark green dress I had on. It was long and fitted to my body, causing me to feel slightly self conscious. Miranda had insisted everyone dress up for this, making it the first time people weren't in ugly sweaters and pajamas.

"Whatever. A certain Stoll is staring at you anyway so it doesn't matter. Bye Katie!" She exclaimed, leaving before I could question her.

The heat of the room seemed to hit me in that moment, and I pushed my way through the crowd as I made my way towards the drinks. Miranda had went all out with food and drinks, so I grabbed a seltzer and headed outside.

The fact that I lasted even 10 minutes in that stuffy room was a miracle itself, so I allowed myself a quick breather on the porch.

I had only been outside for a few minutes before I heard the door open behind me.

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