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mortal au. oops.

I shifted my weight between my feet as I waited for my new neighbor to open the door. They weren't technically my neighbor, but they were exactly one floor above me and the most recent person to move in since I did 5 years ago.

I heard the sound of footsteps padding across the floor inside, and was surprised by their speed. I was the youngest person in the whole building, despite only being 25. I prayed that this new person was under 40. At least.

The door suddenly swung open to reveal a man who looked around my age.

He looked just as surprised as me, his dark eyebrows flirting upwards before relaxing down again. He had obviously just woken up, his curly brown hair messy and still wearing pajamas.

"Can I help you?" The man asked, resting his body against the door frame. His surprised expression was gone, and he now looked perfectly at ease. Lips resting in a tiny smirk, and arms crossed over his chest.

I cleared my throat and forced any and all thought about how attractive this man was away.

I moved my tupperware container to my left hand and stuck my arm out.

"Yes! Sorry to bother you, but I'm Katie, your new neighbor. I'm a floor below you."

The smirk on his face grew as he shook my hand. Maybe it was the fact that I hadn't had any romantic interaction in over 3 months, but sparks shot up my arm when my hand touched his.

"Travis." He stated. "And you're not bothering me at all. I was just procrastinating unpacking." He grinned at me, and I felt myself relax a little.

Truth be told, I was horrifically nervous for this. I hated introducing myself to people, I hated awkward small talk, and I hated trying to make up excuses to leave. Still, Travis's ease with the whole situation helped a little, and the nausea that had been rolling through my stomach started to fade.

I realized I had been staring into his brilliant blue eyes without saying anything, so I quickly thrust my tupperware out to him.

"Well, I made you some chocolate chip muffins. As a welcome gift." I added. "They do have sugar, milk, wheat, and nuts in them but if you're allergic or on a diet or something I can always remake them." I rushed out quickly.

The grin on his face spread as he took the container from me. "You made these?" He asked, not teasing me, but sounding genuinely interested.

I nodded and tucked my hair behind my ears.

"Wow, that's amazing. I can barely microwave something without setting a fire." He gingerly took a muffin out and started to hand the tupperware back to me.

I quickly put up my hands in protest. "Oh, I made these for you, so you can keep them. I am normally baking so I try and get rid of as much stuff as I can."

Travis nodded as he pulled his hands back.

"So, are there any other people in this building who are under 30? I have literally only seen grandparents." He asked, causing me to smile.

"Nope, it's just been me and the elderly up until now. It's okay though. They can't hear well so you can be loud and they mind their own business. Unless it's the day after bingo night. Then they will talk to you about it for an hour. Possibly more."

Travis laughed, and a warm feeling spread through my chest.

"Sounds good. I might have to start attending bingo though, sounds exhilarating."

I laughed. "I went to one the first week I moved in. Was so exciting I've been too scared to go since."

Travis fully smiled, small dimples in his cheeks becoming visible.

"How long have you been living here?" He asked, taking a bite of a muffin.

"Oh, 5 years now, but I-"

I was cut off as Travis let out a loud groan, his head hung back and his eyes closed.

"Oh. My God." He stated.

"What?" I asked, wondering if he was having an allergic reaction to something.

"These muffins, that's what. I feel
like I'm on drugs. Did you put me on drugs?" He opened his and stared at me while my face heated up.

"No. Of course not. It's just flour, butter-"

"Katie, I don't think I can live life without eating one of these every morning. I'm an addict now, and if you don't give me more of these I'm going to go into withdrawal."

I rolled my eyes, the blush spreading like a wildfire across my face now.

"You're holding a container full of the same muffins." I stated, crossing my arms.

"Trust me, I haven't forgotten." He said, closing his eyes again as he took another bite.

I scoffed before laughing. He was ridiculous. And stupidly hot.

After finishing the muffin, he opened the door more and threw the wrapper in, what I hoped, was a garbage can. From my spot in the doorway I could see tons of boxes piled up, some open with a few things scattered around, but most were taped up.

"Do you need help unpacking? Some friends are coming over this weekend and I'm sure we could help." I offered

Travis grinned. "Nah. Thanks for the offer, but I planned on finishing it today. Hopefully."

I nodded, and asked him, "Have you just moved into the city? Or were you living here before?"

"I was close by, but I'm new to the neighborhood. It's great here though, very peaceful."

Before I could even think about it, I blurted out, "Well the friends I mentioned earlier live nearby, so if you want to come over and meet some new people you can. We are probably just doing dinner and a movie."

Travis smiled again, causing my heart to skip. "Yeah, that sounds great. What time?"

"They are saying 6:00, but they probably won't been there until 7:00."

My friends Piper, Jason, Leo, Sherman, and my cousin Miranda had decided to do a monthly dinner. Since we all lived in the city, it was only under extreme circumstances that someone would miss it.

"Great." I said, smiling again.

"Great." Travis repeated, grinning as he stepped back into his apartment.

"I'll see you then." He said, before closing the door.

I turned around and immediately started planning.


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