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I turned around to see Mrs. Stoll smirking, her expression almost a duplicate of the one Connor and Travis frequently made.

"Feel free to snoop!" She said, quickly shutting the door. I turned around, slightly flustered from how quickly I had been marched into this room so I could change.

The Stolls and I had gotten here less than 20 minutes ago, and Mrs. Stoll had been both surprised and relieved to see us. We had been on a quest for only 2 days as we tried to find a camp that some monsters had created to hold loot. We had gotten as far as New Jersey before it started pouring rain and our car broke down. Connor said that we were close enough to their house to stop in and "get fuel" so we walked over an hour to get here.

I had quickly been given a pack of clothes: "I'm used to being a pit stop for someone when their on a quest." explained Mrs. Stoll.

I set the clothes down and looked around me. The room was dark blue, and the only light came from the light gray skies outside. There was a bureau that was covered in pictures, and walls that were equally covered with posters. They were mostly of bands, and I noticed a record player in the corner of the room. I didn't want to snoop, because this was either Travis or Connors room, and I respected both of their privacy. Maybe.

I changed into the clothes: a pair of leggings, a T-shirt, and a slightly too big sweatshirt. I braided my wet hair, and then spent some time deliberating wether to snoop or not.

I looked at the pictures, and I couldn't tell whose room I was in at first. In almost every photo, both Connor and Travis were there. There were pictures of them in soccer, lacrosse, hockey, at birthday parties, and family photos. It was like they were joined together their entire childhood. Finally, I saw a class photo in the back, and recognized only Travis in it.

I paused, realizing this meant I was in Travis' room.

I really shouldn't be doing this. I thought to myself. However, I was already putting the class photo back in its spot and looking at the others. The pictures of Travis and Connor playing different sports slowly started becoming more of them in hockey as they got older.

Pictures from camp started becoming more frequent too, and I remembered when they had brought a bunch of disposable cameras and Polaroids to camp after realizing the Hecate kids could make it unrecognizable to monsters. There were photos of camp itself, but they were mostly of the campers. Some were candids of activities, like the Ares cabin sword fighting, Dionysus cabin all lounging while Athena cabin did Archery, and even one of Demeter cabin in the strawberry fields.

My favorite ones were of the counselor meetings. In one, Annabeth was stood up and arguing something with Clarrise, while everyone else was just sitting down and watching with amusement. In another, Chiron was explaining something, and Percy was sneakily crossing his eyes at the camera. A surprised laugh came out of me as I saw a picture of Annabeth and I whispering to each other and laughing.

My smile grew when I saw one that I vividly remember taking last year, on the last day of camp. Travis had insisted that we needed a picture of the five of us: Annabeth, Travis, Connor, Percy, and me. He had gotten Will to take it, and there were two picture. One was of all of us actually smiling, but the other was better. Annabeth was looking at Percy and trying to frown as Percy stuck his tongue out. Connor had bunny ears on Percy and Travis, and his mouth was open and eyes crossed. Travis was digging his fingers into my side to tickle me, and I was mid laugh, while he was grinning at me.

I picked it up, remembering fondly how happy we were in that moment. As I did, a picture behind it slipped out. I frowned, putting the one of us down to see it. When I picked it up, I froze in shock.

It was of just me, and something I hadn't even realized was taken. Travis must've taken it when he visited me in the strawberry fields, but I couldn't remember him ever bringing the camera there. I was looking at the berries in front of me and trying to hide my smile, probably from something stupid Travis said.

I dropped the picture like it had burned me, and quickly put it back in its place. I turned away from the bureau, deciding that any more snooping would probably make me incapable of talking to Travis ever again.

A knock sounded from the door, and I jumped away from the pictures.

"You good, Katie Kat?" I heard Travis ask.

I hurried to pick up my clothes as I called out a "Yes!"

The door opened, and Travis immediately started leaning against the door frame. I noticed he did this a lot, like his body constantly needed to be supported.

"Be honest, how much did you snoop?" He asked, smirking at me.

I blushed and he laughed at me. "I didn't snoop!" I exclaimed, already exasperated.

"I was just looking at the pictures." I explained, trying to be more frustrated than embarrassed.

Travis nodded, walking towards the bureau next to me. I watched him study them and felt growingly more aware of how close his body was to mine.

I took a few steps to be next to him, and looked back at them all again, trying not to focus too much on the one from last summer, or more specifically, the picture behind it.

"That one's my favorite," he said, pointing to the one of all of us.

I nodded, not trusting my voice.

"Mostly because of how stupid Connor and Percy look." He added, grinning, and this time I couldn't help but smile.

"True, and Annabeth's reaction to Percy is perfect." I said, thinking of how well the picture encapsulates their relationship.

We both seemed to be actively ignoring what we were doing in the photo, and the way we almost looked like a couple in it. When the thought hit me, I sharply took a step back, wanting to bury that thought for the next hundred years.

"I'm going to go. To the bathroom. Where is it?" I stammered, wanting to be out of this room, and away from Travis. My mind seemed to glitch around him, and I could never think properly.

Travis looked surprised at my reaction for a second, but then easily said "Across the hall and to the left."

I hurried out of the room, breathing deeply like I had been underwater for an hour. The image of us kept repeating in my mind, and I couldn't forget the way Travis was smiling at me in the picture. Or worse, the picture of me that was behind it. I shut the door and reminded myself that it was never going to happen. Ever.

I would get through this quest like always, and then life would return to normal; Travis would prank me at camp and we would be friends, just like we always are.

So... I know I've been MIA for like 5 months but I'm back in school and also feeling less committed to this one shot thing. Sorry for the wait, hopefully you guys like this!



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