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normal world au. sorry.

The doorbell rang for a second time, causing Katie to let out a frustrated huff.

"I'm coming!" She yelled, which just made the baby she was holding start crying even more. She was babysitting one of her family friends, who had just given birth not even 3 months ago. There were also two 4 year old twin boys, as well as 6 and 8 year old girls.

Katie had been trying to wrangle them into pajamas for the past 20 minutes, but she also had been trying to quiet down the baby, Lucas. It was a hot mess. To say the least.

She speed walked to the front door of the house, desperately trying to hush and bounce Lucas to sleep.

It wasn't even 7:30 yet.

She threw open the door to see a guy around her age, standing with a charming smile that quickly turned into a confused expression.

"What?" Katie gasped as the baby continued to cry.

He cleared his throat before saying, "I'm Travis. I'm here to babysit."

Now it was Katie's turn to look confused.

Travis jumped in before she could speak. "For the Young's? Mrs. Young asked me to come today at 7:15. I don't think I have the wrong date but I can check."

Katie nodded and continued bouncing Lucas up and down as he cried.

Please. Just go to sleep. She prayed desperately.

Travis tapped a few buttons on his phone then showed it to her. He was right. Mrs. Young had texted him to come today at 7:15, and Katie even checked that it was the same number.

"Huh. Well, it's up to you. If you want to stay you can," Katie started, just as more yelling came from upstairs. Travis' lips quirked upward as he glanced up the stairs. The other kids were all playing a, very loud, game of tag. Katie felt her face heat up in embarrassment. "But you are also welcome to leave." She finished.

Travis studied her for a few seconds. She hadn't stopped bouncing Lucas up and down and desperately trying to quiet him, despite him still crying.

"I think I'll stay." He stated, stepping into the house before Katie could say anything.

"Are you sure? The Young's shouldn't be home for a while and I wouldn't want to-"

"Yes, I'm sure." Travis said, an amused grin on his face. "What's your name, again?"

"Katie." She said, shifting side to side as Lucas started to quiet a little.

"What's our battle strategy?" He asked, eyes alight with mischief.

"You get the toddlers down while I help the baby, and then we can go together for the girls?" She suggested.

Travis's grin widened even more as he said, "See you on the other side, Katie Kat." He lifted up his two fingers in a lock salute, and then ran upstairs. She rolled her eyes at him.

"Alright! Who are the two little boys who need to go to bed?" Katie heard him yell, which was followed by the laugh/screams of all the kids upstairs. She laughed softly and looked down at Lucas, who was now blinking tiredly on her shoulder.

Katie slowly walked around the kitchen with him, humming quietly as she listened to Travis. She could hear him talking with the kids and playing "games" that got them into their pajamas and brushing their teeth.

He's so cute. Katie thought for a fleeting moment, before shoving it aside. She shook her head at herself.

Katie had never had the best luck with guys, even if she did put in minimal effort. She was just never as interested in a relationship as her friends had been. She went to every school dance by herself, and she was okay with that. Katie liked her friends boyfriends, and she was happy for them, but the idea of having her own boyfriend didn't really do anything for her. She never felt the same happiness and excitement that her friends felt when they talked about their crushes.

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