fame au

635 16 7

Katie's head thumped onto my shoulder, and I forced myself not to laugh, so as not to wake her. The back of the limousine was dark and cool, and the quiet hum of the engine had my eyes starting to shut. To be fair, I was resisting the urge to pass out right now myself, seeing as how long our day had been.

It was officially the start of award show season, and today was the first one. Both of us had been getting ready for pretty much the entire day, and then showed up to the show for a four hour long ceremony. Katie had been nominated this year, so there was no convincing our managers that we couldn't go.

I folded my hand over hers, finding comfort in its familiar shape. I didn't mind the shows, but they weren't my favorite. They were long, the food was either really great, or terrible, and the people were snooty. But still, Katie came with me to 99% of them so I didn't mind.

Katie is an accomplished actor, and seems to not exactly command attention, but you notice her wherever you go anyway. It's like she has this magnetic field, pulling everyone's focus on her when she steps in the room. Even when she isn't trying.

Her soft snores dragged my gaze back to her, her cute little sleeping face making me smile. I was happy to see her relaxed for once, knowing how anxious she got for these shows. It seemed todays was worse than usual.

6 hours earlier:

My hand found it's usual place resting on Katie's waist, our positions rehearsed and memorized. We both smiled as paparazzi yelled our names and directions to look toward.

I heard the tiniest release of a shaky breath next to me, and could tell instantly how nervous Katie was. Her smile hadn't changed, if anything it got brighter as she looked around, and I doubted that anyone here could notice her discomfort.

The urge to try and calm her kicked in immediately, and I leaned towards her ear, just barely brushing my mouth to her skin.

"Don't worry about tonight, I'm right here and this isn't anything to be nervous about." I said it through the smile I still had on, trying to help her in any way I could. We were nearing the end of the red carpet, and in a few minutes, we would be in our seats inside.

Katie's smiled faltered for a millisecond, but was back up again. She laughed lightly, pretending I had just whispered something funny to her ear.

The hand at my back flexed slightly, and I looked back down at her again.

"You don't know that." Katie said, barely moving her lips so the cameras couldn't tell she was talking.

"You forget that I know everything Katie Kat." I smirked, looking down at her. She rolled her beautiful green eyes, and I could see her fighting down a smile.

Still, I could feel her unease with being here, even if she was hiding it well. Before Katie could react, I picked her up and twirled her around on the carpet.

"Travis!" She yelped in surprise, but I could see her smiling brilliantly. Her smile took over her entire face, as she laughed and attempted to push away from me. I could hear the clicking of photos increase as everyone tried to get a picture or video of Katie, and I couldn't even feel my usual protectiveness because Katie had leaned forward and lightly kissed me on the lips. Cheers erupted, and Katie blushed as she looked at me.

I was still lifting her up, but knowing her manager would be upset about messing up the dress, I set her down gently.

"Nothing to worry about Kates. I'm right here with you." I murmured, still grinning as we walked into the theater.

i hate this sm. anyways i wanted to get something out and might as well just let it be this. also i haven't even read this over.



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