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Sitting underneath the stars, Katie could almost forget where she was. The view was almost the exact same as it was back at camp, and pretending she was back at camp was a lot better than thinking about where she really was.

A breeze came in and gently pushed her hair away from her face. She closed her eyes, relishing the feeling of it against her sunburn. Katie and the Stolls spent practically the whole day walking under the sun. They couldn't find a bus stop anywhere and they didn't have a car, so they walked for 5 hours, stopping every hour for a break. It was awful. Katie hated it. The Stolls hated it. Nothing about their quest was good.

Chiron had told them it would be a short quest, and all they needed to do was get to where the small group of monsters were in New Jersey. They were currently on the edge of the woods in what felt like the middle of nowhere. Katie guessed they would probably get to the town where the monsters were tomorrow, but would wait until the morning to attack.

A stick snapping brought her back to the present and she stiffened. Slowly grabbing her dagger, she whipped around and shoved the point of it towards whatever was coming.

"Just me Katie Kat." Travis said, his hands up in the surrender position.

Katie released a breath and turned back to her original position, facing the road. She heard movement behind her and felt Travis sit down next to her.

"What are you doing up?" Katie asked, hoping she didn't wake him. She glanced back and saw Connor still sound asleep against a tree, using his backpack as a pillow. Travis gave a half smile and said, "I could ask you the same thing." He was deflecting the question, and he knew it. Travis has barely slept a wink their whole quest. The only places he could fall asleep were at camp, and in his actual home in New York. He wasn't necessarily in the mood to explain this to Katie, knowing she would probably make fun of him.

"I couldn't sleep." Katie stated. "Nightmares." She said hesitantly. Travis glanced over at her, surprised she had actually said something other than a vague explanation. The whole quest, Katie was quiet. She only ever spoke when she was figuring out a plan with them, or telling Connor and Travis to shut up. Travis knew she hated him, and that she was under the impression that he hated her. Travis never did hate her though. Sometimes, he could almost convince himself he was pranking her because she was uptight or annoying. Then he would see her marching over with a furious glint in her eyes, and he would remember he only did it so she would talk to him. Travis would rather have Katie hate him then not know he exists.

"I have an idea." Travis started, not really sure where he was going with this. Katie turned to look at him, her brows drawn together. "That must be the first." She said, a tiny smile on her lips. Travis clapped his hand over his chest. "That hurt Katie Kat, it really hurt." He was grinning though, and he could see Katie's smile grow. "Seriously though, what if we had a temporary truce." Katie turned fully to face him. She couldn't help but notice how pretty his blue eyes seemed in the starlight.

"What do you mean 'temporary truce'?" She asked, the skepticism in her voice clear. Travis hoped he didn't look as nervous as he felt when he said, "Meaning a cease fire on our whole enemies thing while we are on this quest. Once we get back to camp you can go back to hating me and I will go back to pranking you." Katie studied Travis in a way that unnerved him. She tried finding any sarcasm or lie in what he was saying but she couldn't find any. "By the time we get back to camp you probably won't want to be enemies because you will realize how amazing I am, but I will give you the option." Travis said, trying to recover from the small moment of sincerity he had with Katie. She rolled her eyes, but Travis could see she was suppressing a smile.

"Ok." Katie said tentatively. Travis whipped his head over to her. "Ok?" He asked. He thought she was going to say no and then yell at him, but she was agreeing. Katie nodded, her expression wary but sincere. Travis thought it was adorable. "Ok." Travis repeated. And then turned his attention back to the sky.

They sat in comfortable silence for a little longer until Katie wordlessly got up and walked back over to where her bag was, setting up a place to sleep.

Travis stared at the sky for the next few hours until Connor woke up and forced him to try and sleep while he was lookout. He didn't fall asleep but it was nice to just lie down and occasionally glance at a sleeping Katie.

hi!! this is my first little one shot and i hope u all liked it! any recommendations for them are appreciated and i will try and make a one shot for all of them. these will also be one shots of tratie while they are together and before they start dating. anyways hope u enjoyed! <3

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