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so @annabethkinnie13 on tiktok made a video with a head cannon that percy, annabeth, travis, connor, and katie are all best friends and are a big friend group and i was obsessed with that so i wrote this little thing. i literally love this idea so much tho i'm going to do more one shots about it!


"So of course, Katie decides to punch him in the face!" Annabeth concludes, sending everyone into a laughing fit.

"In my defense," Katie started, removing her face from the pillow she had buried it in to talk. "I didn't think he actually liked me. And we were 12!"

"You still punched him though." Percy said, trying to muffle his laughter better than Connor, who was literally doubled over.

"Can you imagine telling a girl you liked her just to be punched!" Connor laughed. I had imagined telling Katie I had a crush on her many times, but if I was being realistic, they all ended that way.

Katie's face was bright red as she tried to scowl at Annabeth. I saw the corners of her mouth twitch though as she suppressed a smile.

"I was in shock!" Katie tried to defend. "Besides, Jack had been super friendly all week-"

"Yeah, cause he was trying to get you to like him." I cut her off, making everyone else laugh again. "Did you seriously believe he just wanted to be friends? I remember him pulling your chair out for you at dinner. Who does that?" I asked, grinning.

I remembered that so vividly because a weird feeling had taken over me since I saw them talking that morning. I felt strange all day, and my thoughts never seemed to stray from
Jack and Katie. It wasn't until someone had told me she punched him that a sense of relief rushed through me. Then I recognized what the feeling was, jealousy.

But why was I jealous? I didn't like Katie. At all. She was uptight, and bossy, and always planting. She never laughed at my pranks too, she just yelled at me for them. So why was I upset?

Because even 12 year old Travis understood that Katie was absolutely amazing.

"I don't know! I just thought he was being polite." Katie said, blushing even more, making us laugh harder.

"I was 12! I didn't think anyone thought of me that way." She tried to say, but the others were laughing too hard for them to hear her.

This caught my attention. Was she serious? I felt myself staring at her as Percy said, "Let me tell you my favorite little Annabeth story."

Everyone got wrapped into the story but I kept staring at Katie. Did she seriously think no one liked her that way? If so, she was being completely ridiculous. I was one of the many kids who had a crush on Katie in the pre-teen stage. And in the teen age.

Katie must've felt me staring because she turned around and raised her eyebrows when she saw me frowning at her.

"What?" She asked.

"Nothing." I muttered and tried to focus back on what Percy was saying.


As the others started to leave, I caught Katie's eyes and asked, "You really thought no one liked you when you were 12?"

She blinked, obviously not expecting that. "I mean, yeah. I spent every waking hour in the fields and didn't talk to anyone. I had no friends at the time and yelled at whoever did try to talk to me. Not exactly an eye catcher for pre-pubescent boys." She explained, turning her eyes away from me.

"Well the amount of my friends who talked about their crushes on you contradicts that last statement." I replied, a small smile on my lips.

Katie turned to gape at me. "What are you talking about?" She asked, surprise coloring her voice.

"Oh come on, are you serious? You really didn't notice almost every guy staring at you?" I laughed.

She shook her head, her eyebrows knit in confusion.

"How many times did some kid come up to you while you were weeding and introduce themselves? Kids who you had never seen before."

I waited for a response but Katie just blushed and looked away.

"They probably just felt bad that I was by myself-" She started before I cut her off.

"Katie Kat, if you can make middle school boys go out of their way to talk to someone they've never met, you're a lot more than just an 'eye catcher.'"

Without a response, I turned to go catch up with my brother outside.

omg i'm going to write more one shots with the 5 characters that were in this i love this idea of them being besties anyways please VOTE‼️‼️

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