Road trip

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My list was organized for this weekend. I had  everything I needed to do listed out in my brain, and I had only one more class before I could go home and actually write out everything. It was probably the only thing all day that made me feel excited.

This explained why when a hand grabbed at my backpack and jerked me backwards, I yelped. I whipped my head to the side, feeling all eyes in the packed hallway turn towards me as I glared at Travis. Scattered laughter echoed around me, and I knew my face was tomato red.

Travis laughed, enjoying how embarrassed I was. "Hey Katie Kat."

"You know there are ways of getting my attention without humiliating me?" I asked, glaring at his stupidly cute grin. It haunted me in the worst ways.

"Yeah but those ways aren't as fun." He replied, easily matching my pace to sidle up next to me.

"So Katie Kat." He started, and I was already suspicious. "Connor and I had this idea."

"Never a good sign." I replied, glancing over him.

"What are your plans this weekend?" He asked me, somehow managing to walk sideways so his full attention was on me.

I was immediately suspicious. "Why?"

"Did you ask her yet?" Connor demanded, bounding up to my other side. As always, he had one earbud left in his ear, and was speaking a little bit louder than necessary.

"Do you guys just spawn anytime one of you is alone? How do you even do that?"

"No, but that would be sick." Connor replied, grinning over my head at Travis.

"Agreed." Travis added, smiling back.

For my senior year of high school, I was transferred to a school in a New Jersey, that also happened to be Travis and Connor's school. The deal was we would all be together to watch out for monster attacks, and we were only an hour from camp. I was living in an apartment by the school, but I spent most of my time at the Stolls house anyway.

When Chiron had proposed this idea, he had been so reasonable that I couldn't really say no. I think he knew I was too anxious to go to any school that was both far away and by myself. Besides, by now, Travis and Connor were my best friends. Even when they exchanged secret looks, like they were doing now.

"Ask me what?" I asked again as we rounded the corner of the hallway. We had a marketing class next, and since Connor was a junior, it was the only one we had all together.

"Well, Connor and I were thinking about a road trip." Travis said slowly, testing my reaction.

My brows furrowed immediately, because this was very random, even for the Stolls. "A road trip?" I asked skeptically. "To where? And why? And also when?"

Connor laughed next to me. "I think you have trust issues."

I rolled my eyes, but Travis was already into part two of his mission to win me over.

"Just to camp. You know, as a quick break from school. I was thinking we leave after school and then come back Sunday afternoon." He continued, both of them following me to sit in the back of our marketing class. As always, Connor to my right, and Travis to my left.

"But why?" I asked, still very confused to what could've sparked this sudden conversation, which had definite intervention vibes. We were 3 months into school, and I was swamped with all of the clubs, extracurriculars, and classes I had to keep up with.

"For fun." Travis shrugged, still grinning as the teacher began to quiet the class.

Even as they both turned to the front, something was off with Travis's smile. Sure, his dad was literally the god of lies, but I could always tell when he was lying. Or at least, not telling the full truth.

In less than 20 minutes, I was already getting tapped on the arm, which was quickly followed up by a note on my desk.

I looked over at Travis, who was pretending to be closely paying attention to Mr. Thomas's very boring lesson.

Is it a yes or no? Read his barely legible hand writing.

I rolled my eyes, as I began to scribble back an answer.

You have yet to tell me your actual reasons for this. And I don't believe the "fun" reason.

I passed it back to him, and waited for his response. I heard him exhale a laugh beside me, and it took all of my willpower to not look over and smile too.

The pro of sitting in the back row of the class was not having to be too worried about the teacher seeing us. Still, I couldn't help but glance up at Mr. Thomas to make sure he couldn't see us.

The note was placed onto my desk again.

U seemed kinda stressed lateley...thouht it might be fun to take a brake?

For a couple of seconds, all thoughts in my brain vanished. Knowing that Travis was watching my reaction, I scrambled to think of something to say.

I knew that he was one of my best friends, and that we had moved on from the whole "I will kill you the next time I see you" phase, but still. That one sentence, with bad grammar and misspelled words, sent my head spinning and took my breath away. 

I knew I had been....overly busy lately, but I honestly hadn't think anyone had noticed. Especially not Travis. I considered the idea again. I wanted to go, I really did, but I just couldn't with all the work I had to, the expectations I had to meet.

I don't think I can. I have a lot of work to finish and I can't do it all on Sunday.

I neatly folded the paper back up, and tried to ignore the guilt I felt for telling him no.

Of course, though, Travis would not be giving up so easy.

Me + connor can help with some of it. cmon Katie Kat itll be fun!!

It was followed up by a very poor attempt of drawing prayer hands, which I couldn't help but smile at.

I sighed and wrote out my answer.


Travis looked back at me and grinned, and I was already regretting my decision.

Surprise shawties I'm not dead!!!! I know I haven't published anything in months, but I had this draft for a while and decided to finish it last night. Sorry again for how little I'm updating I just am very busy and running out of ideas. Thank u all for all of the votes on the other chapters and ur comments, I love reading them all sm 😭😭💕💕💕 anyways I love u all and lmk what u think!!


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