game night p.2

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45 minutes into the game

I held my stomach as I laughed so hard I started to get a cramp. I closed my eyes as the image of Leo's shocked face came back. I doubled over and could hear everyone else laughing just as hard as me.

"That's like the 5th 'go to jail' card I have gotten!" Leo shouted, making me laugh even more.

"Just remember," Travis started, still smiling, "That Katie and I have 4 'get out of jail free cards.'"

Connor and Leo both looked shocked and glared at us. I started laughing and argued, "That's not our fault! We are just extremely lucky."

"And you guys are extremely unlucky." Travis added, making everyone laugh again. I looked over at him and smiled. The first 15 minutes of the game were just us arguing, but by now we were almost winning. We had 2 less properties that Annabeth, but we had more hotels to rent.

We were a good team. And Travis could actually be really funny without the expense of others.

"Ok, ok, ok, let's just keep going." Percy said as he tried to stop laughing.

He rolled the dice and started moving his figure forward at the same time something fell out of Travis' pocket.

I looked up at him and saw that he didn't notice, so I reached down and picked up whatever fell. 2 slips of yellow paper caught my eye, and then I realized what it was.

2 $500 bills from the monopoly game. We had already used up our $500 bills in the game, so these, he took.

Was he planning on using these later in the game? Why did he take them? This was obviously cheating, and Annabeth stated early on that any cheating would get you eliminated from the game.

I straightened and then pinched Travis' side. He yelped and looked over at me, where I was glaring at him.

We were so close to winning, but he just had steal money.

I showed the dollar bills and he visibly winced.

"What the Hades is this?" I hissed at him.

"It's not what it looks like." He rushed out. I raised my eyebrows at him and he sighed

"Ok, it's exactly what it looks like but I did it to help us! What if we ran out of money? This is just our backup plan." Travis tried to explain.

"What if we are caught? Then we have no chance of winning!" I said, struggling to keep my voice a whisper.

"We also have no chance of losing." Travis offered, causing me to glare even more at him.

"Look, we can't get caught if neither of us tell. We probably won't even have to use it." He said.

I sighed. "Fine." Was all I could say as I turned back to the game and crossed my arms. Already, the guilt of lying started weighing down on me. It also didn't help that Travis seemed completely unaffected by this.


Finally, after what was definitely too long for a Monopoly game, Travis and I won. Annabeth and Percy had only $50 left, and they landed on our hotels on a $100 fine.  They couldn't afford to pay for it, and the look on Annabeths face when she realized she lost was worth the hour and a half we had been playing.

Travis and I jumped up at the same time and started cheering.

"And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how you win Monopoly!" I yelled, pointing at everyone as they laughed at our competitiveness.

Travis cheered. "No one can beat team Tratie!" Travis yelled, grabbing my hand and throwing it in the air.

"Team Tratie for the win!" I cheered back, catching Pipers eye as she grinned and raised her eyebrows at me.

"Well if you guys are done, we have 10 minutes until we have to win." Jason said, stifling a laugh at Travis and I's ridiculousness.

Travis sighed dramatically and sat down saying, "I wouldn't want to make you feel bad, Superman."

I laughed and sat down with him as Jason deadpanned, "How nice of you."

Travis winked at him, causing me to laugh again.

We all talked and joked for a few more minutes until I was reminded of the stolen money. We used one of the $500 at the end to get more houses and buy one of Piper's properties, but I had forgotten about it until now.

"Hey, Katie, are you ok?" I heard Annabeth ask.

I glanced at Travis at the same time he did, and I knew that he understood exactly what I was thinking.

"Uh, yeah, I'm good." I muttered, causing Annabeth to frown at me.

There was probably a very long list of things Travis and I were opposites on. We disagreed on basically everything, but that was only because we were so different.

At the top of that list, was lying. I have never been able to lie about anything. Travis on the other hand, could lie whenever with ease. My friends always made fun of me because I couldn't lie for my life. Even small, unimportant lies, they would know immediately that I wasn't telling the truth.

"Okay." Was all Annabeth said, eyeing me suspiciously.

There were a few more moments of conversation before I blurted out, "We cheated."

"What!" Everyone exclaimed, glancing at Travis and I.

I slapped a hand over my mouth at the same time Travis sighed in exasperation.

"I'm sorry! I had to tell someone Travis." I said, trying to save myself.

When Travis looked over at me though, he was smiling. "I knew you wouldn't be able to lie."

Piper burst out laughing as everyone still stared at me. I was blushing bright red and was gaping at him.

"What?" Was all I could ask.

"It's fine Katie Kat, I knew you would blurt it out at one point." Travis said, still smiling at me.

"So that means we win right? Annabeth asked.

"I guess so." Leo said, grinning.

Annabeth immediately stood up and whooped. "Oh yeah! That's how it's done! No one beats Team Annabeth plus Percy!" She started cheering.

I laughed, and then everyone else did too. Percy was staring at Annabeth with one of those love-sick grins, and Piper and I made eye contact at that.

"He's whipped." She mouthed.

I laughed at her.

"So is Travis." Piper added, still mouthing the words.

I blush and roll my eyes at her, turning my attention towards Travis, Connor, and Leo, who are trying to do a triple piggy back ride.

I really do love being a counselor.


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