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I realized I had made a massive mistake when the party actually started. I had thought, when Travis invited me here, that it would be a chill, quiet party, with a few friends. Turns out, everyone over 15 was shoved into the Poseidon cabin.

Travis and I had only been dating for two weeks, but they were easily the best weeks of my life. He was an amazing boyfriend, funny and sweet, while also still challenging me to no end.

When he asked if I wanted to go to Percy's party, I couldn't help but say yes. Somehow, I convinced myself that I would be fine, and had completely changed. That my all-consuming anxiety would not be triggered tonight, because I was with my boyfriend.

I was very, very wrong.

I don't know why I didn't tell him about it. Every chance I had, my stomach would seize with panic, and I would decide on waiting longer. And if there was anything I've learned in my 17 years, it's that telling someone my secrets always ends badly.

We entered the over crowded, and stiflingly hot cabin together, my hands holding onto Travis's bicep. Goosebumps erupted across my skin, and I took a shaky breath, desperately trying to calm my thoughts. It was a cool night outside, and while Chiron knew about this, technically illegal, party, he also knew he couldn't stop campers from celebrating our win over Kronos.

We found our friends, namely Annabeth, Percy, Connor, and Will. Multicolored lights danced across the ceiling, coming from some Iris kids dancing in the middle. Of course, the Apollo cabin had brought an either DJ set, and I could see how to anyone else, this would be a great party.

I controlled my breathing, tuning everyone around me out so I could focus. Of course; the music was turned up louder, and the lights became even brighter.

My hands shooks as the room seemed to grow smaller, the music suddenly only a loud pounding, not a song. I clasped them together so Travis wouldn't notice, forcing myself to pull away from his arm. I felt dizzy with the hyper awareness of every movement, even the press of my clothes against my skin too much for me. I could feel his glance move towards me, so I quickly put my hands in my braid, pretending to fix it until he looked back up.

I released a shaky breath, distantly hearing Travis laugh next to me at something Percy had said.

Keep it together, Katie. I told myself, forcing my gaze towards the people around me. The groups of campers behind them blurred together, and it almost felt like the room was swaying.

Or maybe I was swaying.

"It's not like I tried to hit Chiron with it." Percy complained, his usual grin lighting up his face. The others around me laughed and I forced myself to smile, not having a single clue what he was talking about.

The ground seemed to move beneath my feet, and I tried to root myself to the ground.

Now is really not the time to lose it.

"I'm going to get water." I rushed out in a breath. With the noise of the party, and how quietly I said it, I doubted anyone heard me. Nevertheless, I turned on my heel and started in the opposite direction of the drinks table.

The lights flashing around the room mixed into a neon glow, making the room both too bright, and also impossible to see anything. Or maybe it was the spots dotting in front of my vision. All sounds were muffled, and at the same time, too loud to even hear myself think.

I need to get out. I thought, frantically pushing through what felt like hundreds of people. I couldn't catch my breath, and it made me think of the time when I had the wind knocked out of me falling out of a tree at 8 years old. The same desperate, breathless hope that I would be okay, while already accepting my fate that I would be in a lot of pain.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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