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i'm entering my tratie in the future phase. i'm sorry. (there is a 99% chance this is the last one set when they are adults LMAO)

I quietly hummed as I cut up the assorted fruit. I didn't want to make too much noise knowing Emma had just woken up. I had just thrown the berries into a animal covered bowl when Travis came out of Emma's room, holding the 1 year old.

"Good morning." Travis said as he walked up to me. He had to leave for work soon, so he was fully dressed in his dress pants and button up. He leaned down to kiss my cheek at the same time Emma reached out towards me. I smiled at her as I brought her into my arms.

"Good morning pretty girl." I said as I looked at Emma. I shifted her onto my hip so she could look at Travis and I. Her dark brown curls were going in every direction, and the dazed look on her face made me laugh. Physically, she looked more like Travis than me with the same curls and bright blue eyes. She did inherit my freckles though, which I was very happy about.

"Did someone sleep for almost 10 hours straight last night?" I asked, looking at Emma with a shocked expression on my face. She was slowly getting into the habit of sleeping for almost the whole night without waking up and crying in the middle of it.

"Not even one yet and she is already realizing how cranky you are when your sleep deprived." Travis said as he reached forward to play with her hair.

I laughed at his remark. "She's very generous." I said. "Aren't you Emma?" I asked her, tickling her stomach.

She giggled loudly, looking between us with a huge smile on her face. I was probably biased, but Emma was the cutest baby I had ever seen. Her smile melted my heart every time, and it might be hard sometimes being a parent, but it was all worth it when she smiled at me.

"Let's get you something to eat, Em." Travis said as he grabbed the bowl of fruit and a bottle to put on the tray of her high chair.

I sat Emma down in the chair and had started to strap her in at the same time Travis grabbed her bib. By now, we worked together like a well oiled machine. Travis would always know exactly what I would need for Emma if I was busy, and he could tell when I was really tired and needed a break. The amount of times he has gotten up in the middle of the night to help with Emma when I was too tired has made me so grateful for having him with me.

Travis sat down next to Emma and started spoon feeding her some of the cut up fruits as I got up to grab us both coffee.

I could hear Travis talking to her from the kitchen while I prepared both of our coffees. I smiled hearing him talk to her about what we were doing today. I don't think she can understand a word of what he says, but he keeps going anyway and she keeps listening.

I set down Travis' coffee in front of him and picked up the spoon to feed her as he took a sip.

"Can you say thank you to dada for being so helpful this morning and getting you up while I made breakfast?" I asked Emma, indirectly thanking Travis.

She looked at me with her usual smile, not understanding any of it.

"Can you tell mama to stop thanking me for doing what any dad should be doing?" Travis indirectly replied.

"Emma, tell dada that I really appreciate the help and that I am so glad he's here. And to stop pretending he's humble." I said as I started feeding her some blueberries.

"You should tell mama that she shouldn't be thankful that I am doing the bare minimum. And we are out of ketchup."

"Tell dada that I am doing to the store today anyway and to text me anything he needs."

"Em, tell mama that I will do that but she normally gets mad because I forget something."

"You should tell dada that he also keeps putting candy onto the list instead of what we actually need."

"Well mama still doesn't get them for me."

"We don't need 3 different boxes of brownies and cookies."

"I'm a growing boy!"

"You are 28."

Emma's laughter interrupted us, setting both of our attention back to her. I smiled and Travis laughed along with her.

Emma started grabbing bits of the strawberries, deciding she wanted to do it herself. Travis then gently gripped my chin and leaned forward, giving me a sweet kiss on the lips. I smiled against him and he pulled away.

"I need to be at work in 20 minutes, but I should be home before 6. Do you need any help here? I can always stay home if you want." Travis offered. He did this almost every day, the few exceptions being when his mom came over to help me or when my friends visited.

"Thank you but I am okay. I think we will go grocery shopping, run some errands, maybe go to the park too. Depends on how Emma's feeling."

Travis nodded, turning back to look at Emma. He watched her with the most loving smile, I internally awwwed at him. It was actually pretty funny how much control over Travis Emma had. We were once at one of his office parties, but Emma had started to cry so we all left early.

He had been looking forward to that party for a month.

"Okay, I am going to head out now. Love you both." He leaned forward and kissed Emma on the forehead, and then turned to me to kiss me in the same place.

"I'm going to miss you Emma." Travis said as he stood up and started walking to the kitchen.

"What about me?" I asked, mock offense lacing my voice.

"You already know I'm going to miss you." Travis said, blowing us both one last kiss before grabbing his keys and heading out the door.

I laughed at him and turned back to Emma, who was now covered in strawberry juice.

"Ok, Emma. Let's start the day."

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