halloween p.2

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1 year later

"We need to do something cool for our costume though." I told Katie as we walked to the lunchroom.

"I know, but so far, Pinterest has failed me with good ideas." She said. "I was on there for 2 hours yesterday and I couldn't find anything." Her eyebrows drew together as she frowned at the memory.

I grinned at her clear frustration with her favorite app. "Well I have a bet with Jackson that we are going to have the better costume, so we need to win."

Katie stopped walking and turned to me with alarm clear on her face. "What! Why didn't you tell me that?" She demanded.

"I forgot?" I said with my most innocent expression. She glared at me.

"Whatever, we'll figure it out. We still have a week until Halloween. Anyway, are we still on for tonight?" I asked, hoping to distract her from being mad at me. It worked.

Katie brightened at the mention of our movie night. "Yes, 7:00, right?" She asked. I nodded.

Katie and I had been dating since January, and I loved every second. My old school was only 30 minutes from Katie's, (20 minutes when I speed) so we saw each other every week. Once the summer started, we headed back to camp and hung out every day with our friends. I switched schools to go to hers this year, and now we got to finish senior year together.

"Are you going to let me pick this time?" I asked her as we sat down at our table.

Katie grinned at me. "Maybe." She said, and I narrowed my eyes at her with mock offense. Some of our mortal friends started walking in, so before they saw, I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. She blushed but held my hand under the table.


"Give it back!" Katie screeched as I pulled the remote out of her reach. I grinned at her as I stretched my arm up as far as I could. She gently placed the popcorn bowl on the table before turning back and tackling me.

We had both been sitting on the couch, scrolling through all of the movies that were on Amazon. Katie had only been stopping at the horror movies, and before she could pick one, I grabbed the remote.

"What is it with you and scary movies?" I asked, laughing as she desperately tried to grab the remote that was just out of her reach.

"They're not even that bad! You're just a big baby when it comes any form of gore." Katie argued, still trying to grab the remote.

"Let me pick this time." I said calmly. Her hair was almost completely covering my face as she continued to try and pull my arm down. I was a good 5 inches taller than her, and this was one of the benefits.

"You're going to pick a comedy!" She replied.

"I swear I won't!" I said, fighting down the urge to laugh at her.

She stopped to stare at me with her eyes narrowed. I was always a good liar, except when it came to Katie. She could see right through me in a few seconds.

We stared at each other and waited. She had really pretty eyes. They were a dark green, like the color of Christmas trees. Finally, she sighed, "Fine." and climbed off of me.

I started clicking through the movies, trying to find the one I had in mind. She grabbed the popcorn bowl and nestled herself back into my side.

"Star Wars? You want to watch Star Wars?" She asked when she saw the movie I picked, skepticism clear in her voice.

"It's the prequels! Episode 2: Attack of the Clones."

"I haven't even seen episode 1." She replied drily.

"Yes you have! Remember the movie I picked out the second week of school?"

"Travis, I slept through most of that movie."

"Well then I will explain this one to you as we watch it." I stated, slipping my arm around her. Katie sighed slightly as she relaxed into me. "Okay, let's watch it."

And we did. I made sure she didn't miss any important parts, and I answered all of her questions about them. Once the movie was finished, I rested my head onto hers and quickly fell asleep.

I woke up to a hand gently shaking me. "Trav? Hey, Travis? It's really late, we need to go to bed."

I groggily opened my eyes to see Katie waiting patiently for me to get up. I checked the clock and did a double take when I saw it was already  1:00 in the morning. The movie ended a little before 10, so we've been asleep for a while.

Katie had started getting her sweatshirt on to leave but I put a hand to her arm and said, "It's too late, just stay the night."

It was too dark to tell, but I could just barely see her cheeks redden. "Are you sure?" She asked.

I nodded and then stood up, taking her hand and walking towards my room. Because Katie and I were both 18, we decided to rent our own apartments for the school year. Our parents were too far away for us to stay with them, but they did send us money to help with rent.

I collapsed onto my bed, effectively taking Katie with me. Just as I started to drift off, I heard her whisper, "I have the best idea for Halloween."


I grabbed Katie's hand as we walked towards the Aphrodite cabin.

"I am definitely going to win this bet." I said, grinning at my future victory.

Katie scoffed as she fidgeted with her white costume. We had decided to wear Anakin and Padmes costumes from the Battle of Geonosis. She was wearing a white long sleeve shirt with white pants and boots. I had on Anakins leather jacket thing, (I have no idea what it's called) and Katie made me buy a fake braid to attach to my hair. She even let me
buy the fake guns while we were at Party City.

We hadn't even made it to the Aphrodite cabin when I saw Alex walking up with another Apollo kid. Katie tightened her grip on my hand, like I was the one who needed comforting. I looked down at her and saw she was already looking up at me.

"Are you sure you want to go to this?" I asked her. "We can leave whenever you want, okay? Just tell me when."

She smiled softly at me. "Thank you, but it'll be fine. We won't stay for a while and you have a bet to win." Katie grinned as she said the last part.

"Okay," I relented. "But you are never leaving my side, you hear me?"

Katie smiled as she leaned up and planted a kiss on my cheek. "I hear you. Now let's go."

I slipped my arm around her waist, and true to her word, Katie didn't leave my side the whole night.

authors note:

hi guys! i hate these so much 😆🤟 anyways i don't think i'm going to be updating as much cuz schools starting soon and i'm running out of ideas but i will update every week

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