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another one shot of the 5 friends since i'm obsessed with them :)

"Good afternoon ladies!" Connor shouted as he swung open the door. Annabeth and I looked up from where we were sitting on the ground. Connor was promptly followed by Percy and Travis.

"Sure, just let yourselves in." I said sarcastically. I didn't really mind though, by now we were close enough that we just welcomed ourselves into each other's rooms.

"Why are you guys on the floor?" Percy asked as he walked over to us. He raised his eyebrows at me, signaling for me to move over so he could sit next to Annabeth. I rolled my eyes but stood up and sat on my bed.

"I was doing Annabeths nails." I replied as I re-examined my own nails. I had painted them a dark green, and Annabeths were a pale gray. Connor let out a groan as he dramatically collapsed onto the bed, forcing me to move so I wouldn't get kicked. I could hear Travis snickering from his beanbag chair in the corner.

"I have no where to sit in my own room." I scoffed.

"Come sit with me Katie Kat." Travis grinned, moving to the side so I could fit.

"You like them?" I heard Annabeth ask Percy as I squeezed next to Travis. He slipped his arm around my waist, pulling me even closer to him.

"Of course." Percy replied.

"I swear to gods, if I have to do even one more sword fighting class with Ares cabin, I will pass out." Connor sighed, rubbing his eyes.

"Was today your first one?" I asked him.

"Second one. I'm already sick of them. Sherman doesn't even try to go easy on me!" Connor kept complaining.

"At least your not doing archery with Apollo like Annabeth and I." I stated, earning a groan from everyone.

"They suck. No other way to put it." Annabeth said as she blew on her nails.

"Somehow, they get more obnoxious about their dad being the god of archery every class. It's actually impressive." Travis said, everyone laughing at the comment.

The others kept taking about random things as Travis picked up my hand to examine my nails. I rested my cheek against his shoulder as he did so, the activities I had today making me yawn. "These look good Kates. Very pretty." He brought my hand up to press a kiss to it. I smiled.

It was funny how the nicknames he gave me reflected the mood he was in. Katie Kat was the most common one, and that was when he was joking around or just in a very happy mood. Kates was what I called The Sweet Boyfriend Name. That was when he was feeling happy, but not in the loud kind of way. It was normally just us when he called me this, and it was followed up with an excessive amount of kisses and hugs. He only called me Katie when something was serious, or if he was mad at me. He hasn't gotten seriously mad at me yet but I imagine that if he did, he would call me Katie.

"Thank you. Want me to paint yours? We could be matching." I teased, watching him with a grin. His smirk widened at the offer.

"Sure, but it has to be the same color." He said as I stood up to grab the nail polish. I messily threw my hair up and picked up the nail polish from its place on the ground.

"Do you really need another layer?" Annabeth asked, her voice playful. I turned back to her and grinned. "This is for Travis, not me. I only did 3 coats for myself this time."

Annabeth laughed as I sat on the ground in front of Travis. "Hands please." I stated. He dutifully followed my command and stuck his hands in front.

"Are you guys going to the fireworks tonight?" Percy asked.

The others responded but I was too focused on painting Travis' slightly bitten nails to hear them. I subconsciously leaned closer until I was staring directly over them.

"Do you want to go to the fireworks?" Travis asked me quietly. I shrugged slightly, glancing up at him through my feather bangs. I temporarily stopped painting his nails to answer.

"Do you want to?" I replied back. Travis gave me a Really? look. He didn't like when I deflected questions.

"I want to know your answer." He said. One of the best things about Travis was how he always asked how I felt about everything. He would never force me to go somewhere, but would try and compromise with me on what we could do. He understood my social anxiety so we were never going anywhere where he knew I would be overwhelmed.

"Sure, we could go for a little. If everyone else is going, then it will be fun." I said, referencing Percy, Annabeth, and Connor as everyone else.

Travis nodded. "We can always leave early." He added, looking back up to rejoin their conversation. I smiled at him.


20 minutes later, I finally finished his nails by applying the clear top coat.

"Finished!" I exclaimed loudly.

"Finally!" Travis said dramatically.

"Hey, you weren't getting neck cramps this whole time." I argued.

"You took like 5 minutes for one nail." He replied back, his blue eyes glinting with humor.

"You kept moving!"

"Katie Kat, you keeping forgetting that I am an ADHD teenage demigod. The fact that I was even able to sit for that long is a miracle in itself."

I laughed as I stood up. Travis laced his hand with mine and stood. He held up both of ours in front me, letting me look at our matching nails. I grinned at them.

"Ok Katie, you wanna go get Piper with me so we can start getting ready?" Annabeth asked me. I nodded and started to grab my things to leave.

Travis kissed my hand one last time before leaving my room with Connor and Percy.

"That boy is so in love with you it is actually getting annoying." Annabeth said once they left, smirking at me.

"Need I remind you about Percy?" I retorted and she laughed.

this is kinda just a filler chapter sorry! it's been like a week since i last updated but thank you for all the votes and views!


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