staring contest

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I could feel my eyes burn and twitch as I tried not to blink at Travis. He was sitting directly across from me, his face inches away from mine.

I hate eye contact.

I wanted to look away and blink more than anything else. Travis continued staring at me intently with his bright blue eyes. They were the kind of blue where it felt like you could fall into them if you looked too long. They could capture your attention in a moment, trapping you there until he looked away.

I tried to focus on the different shades of blue surrounding his pupil as I felt my face heat up. He had been watching me, studying me for what felt like hours but was probably only 30 seconds.

Travis' lips twitched up into a smirk as my face grew even more red. I hate how I can't tell what he's thinking.

Is he laughing at me? He's probably laughing at how red my face is. Why isn't he looking away? Why is he looking at me like that?

"You're nervous." He stated, his smirk turning into a grin. The blue eyes I had been staring straight into were alight with amusement. He gently brought his hands up to cup my face.

My face heated up more, and the urge to look away grew stronger with every passing second.

"You're being creepy." I stated, fighting the grin off of my face.

"Don't do that." Travis said suddenly, bringing his thumbs to the corners of my mouth.

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Do what?" I asked.

"Pretend like you're not as happy as I am right now." He said, staring intently at my lips. His thumbs pushed the corners up as he tried to force a smile, causing me to throw my head back and laugh.

I am happy. So incredibly happy with you.

OK IM SO SORRY ITS BEEN SO LONG IVE JUST BEEN BUSY AND I HAVENT REALLY FELT CREATIVE AT ALL  MY #seasonaldepression IS COMING BUT HERE IS THIS! just some fluff that i wanted to write for them, vote if you enjoyed!

love you all 💕

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