Realization p.2

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I snapped my eyes open as my head hit the wall. Ow, I thought as I rubbed the spot where it got hit. I should've been paying attention to the vicious game of soccer that was happening in front of my cabin, but I was so tired.

I had spent the past 3 days staying up all night helping one of the new campers. Her name was Lily, and she was only 8. She was having wicked nightmares that would leave her screaming, so I stayed up with her to help. During the day, Chiron also asked for me to help the Apollo cabin in the infirmary. I spent every waking moment either with Lily or in the infirmary.

I was exhausted. I am always the first person to help out whenever it's needed, but right now I just wanted to sleep for the next year. Chiron asked me to supervise some cabin activities this afternoon, so I was here, trying not to pass out while watching a Demeter and Dionysus cabin soccer game.

My eyes had slowly started to close when I heard a familiar voice say, "Falling asleep on the job?" I looked up to see Travis, my boyfriend, peering over me. He was doing his little half smile that he normally directed at me.

"I can't help it," I said as he sat down next to me. "I'm so tired." I rested my head against his shoulder and Travis slipped his arm around my waist, pulling me closer towards him.

"How about you go take a nap and I will watch this?" He gently asked.

I straightened and stared at him. "I can't, Chiron asked me to oversee this game and I don't want to-"

Travis cut me off by cupping my face and pressing a kiss to my forehead. "Katie, you go take a nap and I will stay here. You've been up for the past three days, it's not healthy."

Even though we have been dating for months, it was still a little jarring having Travis be so nice to me. Especially with moments like this. Travis came off as the type of person to not really care about anything, and being too laidback to notice if something was wrong. He was the complete opposite though. With one look, he could tell almost exactly what mood I was in or what I was thinking. Travis was actually the sweetest person I knew, and he was always looking out for me.

I stared at him for a few seconds before hesitantly nodding. "Okay," I sighed.
I stood up and saw Travis smile slightly at me.

"Wake me up before dinner." I said as I walked into the cabin.

I could hear the smile in his voice as he replied, "Just go to bed."

As I started to fall asleep, there was only one thought in my head.

I love him.

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