hair dye

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this is a normal world au I guess, they aren't demigods in this

I crossed my arms and examined the shelf in front of me. I expected to have a few more options when I walked into the local CVS, but whatever. I needed washable hair dye for this prank to work, but I currently only had 3 boxes to choose from. Unless I went a more permanent way.

"Thalia do you want blue or purple? Please remember you gave me a $30 budget." I glanced over to see a girl walking up towards the wall where all the hair dye was. She marched up to the permanent dye section and peered up at the wall of products. She wore a white "Save the Trees" t-shirt and brown flare pants. Her brown hair was long and hung down her back, swaying with every step. She sighed and said,"You want both? Can't you pick one?" The person on the phone, Thalia, responded with enough yelling that I could hear it.

I stifled a laugh at the response, the girl glanced over at me. She rolled her eyes at her friend, as if to say "can you believe this?" My lips quirked up at her and I could see her suppress a smile. She turned back to the shelf and started looking through them. "They have electric blue, power-plum purple, and little pig pink." I snorted at the ridiculous names of the colours, causing her to look over at me and grin again. I turned back towards the non-permanent section to pick one. They had orange, light pink, and silver. Which one would piss off Leo the most?

"You too Piper? How much is Thalia paying you to do this?" There was a small response from the phone before the girl sighed and said, "Ok, how light do you want your highlights to be? What's an Avril Lavigne highlight? Just brown? How light? Ok, I think I found something like that. You know what, I am just going to pick for Thalia. Yes, the brand is vegan and cruelty free. Next time, Annabeth is getting the hair stuff and not me. Ok, bye." She hung up the phone and stuffed it into her pocket.

"Well your friends sound fun." I said, smirking. She sighed, "Somehow, Thalia convinced Piper and Annabeth that since I'm not dying my hair, I should buy it all. Lucky me." I grinned at her clear frustration with that decision. "I'm Travis." I said, sticking my hand out for her to shake. "Katie." She said, smiling. "When you said Annabeth, were you talking about Annabeth Chase?" I asked. Her eyebrows drew together. "Yeah. Do you know her?" I shrugged. "Kinda. I'm friends with her boyfriend, Percy Jackson." Katie nodded in recognition.

There was a beat of awkward silence before she asked, "So what are you buying hair dye for?" I grinned. "A prank on my friend. Do you know Leo Valdez?" She frowned slightly at my explanation before saying, "Yeah I've met him a few times. He's friends with Piper. Why are you pranking him?" I shrugged, smirking. "Why not?" She frowned again at me, and I couldn't help but find it adorable.

"Well, I should probably get going. What colour should I get for Thalia?" I walked over to where the colours were. "Little pig pink." Katie laughed. "Perfect. Well I will probably see you at one of Jackson's get togethers. Are you going to the one this Saturday?" I nodded, excited at the prospect of seeing her again. "Cool. See you then." She said, smiling one more time before walking up to the cash register.

I have never been more excited to go to the Jackson's house.

ok this one could probably get a part 2 but I don't really want to write one so I will leave it up to your imagination. Anyways I actually kinda like this one but please vote and comment if u enjoyed it or if u have requests!

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