motel p.2

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I sighed as I closed my eyes for what felt like the 100th time. I had been trying to fall asleep for what felt like hours but was probably only 30 minutes. Unlike Katie, I was never able to sleep easily. It seemed like I only could when I was at home or at camp. Nevertheless, I was doing everything possible to fall asleep.

I glanced over at Katie to see she had turned slightly so she was on her side and facing me. She looked calm for the first time today as she slept. I felt bad at how awful everything was going, and how obviously Katie blamed herself for it. I tried to joke around to relieve the tension, but that only seemed to aggravate her more. I decided on just keeping quiet and letting her think through everything.

I don't think her mood got any better, but it didn't get worse, which was all that mattered. I wished she would talk to me instead of shutting me down. I wanted to make her feel better, but I couldn't if she never talked it out with me.

I glanced at the clock on the desk.


I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. I debated getting up to go get water when Katie rolled over closer to me, just barely leaning against my side. My eyes shot down to where she was still soundly sleeping, but now her arm was brushing against my torso.

I froze in place. Her body radiated warmth and I wanted to wrap my arms around her and pull her closer.

Katie threw an arm over my stomach and moved closer, pressing fulling against my side with her head on my chest. Despite the sudden warmth she brought, goosebumps rose
up on my skin wherever she touched.

Her face was resting peacefully as she slept. I almost wished she could open her eyes just so I could see the bright green of them again.

Hesitantly, I brought my arms from behind my hand and wrapped them around her. She nestled herself closer to me and I sighed. Relaxing slightly, I closed my eyes at the comfort I felt. I knew we would have to deal with this in the morning, but right now I just relished in the feeling of Katie in my arms. I liked the purpose it gave me. Katie would laugh at me and then probably yell if I ever told her this, but there was always an urge to protect her. When she was here with me, I started to fall asleep to the thought of making sure she was safe.

this sucks and i'm too lazy to write how they wake up so just come
up with your own idea. anyways VOTE if u liked it!


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