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The inevitable time when our group dispersed was here. I knew the second we all decided to go to prom as a group it would happen, but I couldn't hold back the eye roll as it was happening.

Our schools prom was for both juniors and seniors, so everyone was able to go. Everyone meaning me, Annabeth, Piper, Percy, Jason, Leo, and Travis and Connor. The couples had obviously gone together, while the rest of us just went as friends.

We were sitting down at our table, taking a break from the massive crowd of people dancing. I had been trying to explain to Leo why setting the balloon entrance on fire was not a cool way to "spice things up" when the bright flashing lights suddenly dimmed. The bright blue and gold that had been up the whole night was replaced with a soft purple, the music slowly dimming.

I made eye contact with Connor, him grinning at me and me rolling my eyes.

"I think I know what time it is." He sing-songed, leaning in as I stifled a laugh. We both watched as the couples across from us looked at each other, hearts in their eyes.

Connor groaned and this time I couldn't help the smile on my face. "I hate happy people." Connor muttered, causing me to laugh.

"You guys as grossed out as us?" Leo asked, popping his head towards us and shortly followed by Travis.

"You know we can hear you, right?" Jason asked, drawing our attention over to him and Piper, who wasn't even pretending to be mad about this.

"I was hoping you could." Travis said, smirking at Jason, who rolled his eyes in return.

"Jason, your losing your designated 'staring into Pipers eyes' time." Leo added.

Jason just sighed heavily and looked over at me. "You gonna come?" He asked. "If I were you I would be trying to leave as fast as possible."

I smiled and started to shake my head just as Travis threw an arm around me. "Nah. She wants to hang out with the cool people." Leo and Connor both looked at each other with a grin as I pretended like I wasn't blushing.

Jason sighed again before walking away with Piper. We need to start counting how many times he does that, I thought absently.

Suddenly, Leo and Connor both stood up.

"Well, this has been fun, but Connor and I wanted to get in a few more pranks before this whole ordeal ends, so we'll see you guys later." Leo said, already turning away before he was done.

"Bye!" Connor called back, smirking at Travis before walking out the door, Leo next to him.

I turned to look at Travis, who was already watching me. He seemed slightly uncomfortable, which wasn't like him. I could see patches of red peeking out from the collar of his shirt, and this was probably the first time I had ever seen him blush.

"They're weird." He stated, interrupting my thoughts.

I rolled my eyes. "When have they not been?"

Travis laughed, and I could feel it inflate my chest. After knowing Travis for years, I came to realize that even though he's always smiling, there were few times he genuinely laughed in front of people. It was mostly with his friends, never in front of people he wasn't close with.

But when he did laugh, it made you stop in your tracks. I loved when he laughed. And I loved it even more when I made him laugh. Maybe it was from being enemies for so long, but knowing that I was the one making him laugh always made me feel proud.

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