spy au

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au: Half Blood agency works against the Renegades (luke's agency) to restore faith in gods and maintain order. Katie and Travis are infiltrating the base :)

I examined the mirror one more time, making sure I looked perfect. I had to. If tonight didn't work out perfectly... let's just say it wouldn't be good.

An impatient knock came from the door. Travis and I had snuck our way into the abandoned servants quarters of the castle, giving ourselves 30 minutes to get ready before walking into the gala. The Renegades were hosting their annual gala, and Travis and I were sneaking in to gather as much information as we could. Chiron had emphasized how this was not a combat mission, and we would not be fighting. Just in case though, we both had weapons strapped to us in hidden places.

"Katie Kat! We should really get going! We wouldn't want to be late." Travis called into the room. I rolled my eyes. I was late to 1 meeting at the agency, and he has been tormenting me over it ever since.

"Coming!" I called back. I studied myself one more time. The Aphrodite agents had used enchanted makeup products to change both our faces and hair to make sure no one would recognize us. My new blond hair was wavy and long, almost reaching my butt. Piper had also changed my eye color from forest green to a deep blue, matching the color of my silk gown.

I double checked that the knives attached to my thigh were secured, and the ring that transformed into a sword was still on my pointer finger. Taking a deep breath, I steadied my thoughts.

Everything is going to be okay. The mission will work. No one will get hurt and you and Travis can leave unscathed. Everything will work out.

I turned and swung the door open, meeting Travis's surprised gaze. I forced myself not to obsessively study how he looked, but it was difficult. His normally brown curly hair was now straight and black. His bright blue eyes were now a deep brown, and I noticed he had freckles dotted across his nose. He wore a simple, black, tuxedo, that only highlighted how amazing he looked.

To summarize, he looked like royalty. Travis Stoll, agent, thief, thorn in my side, looked like a prince on his way to a ball. I made sure I was breathing normally, and then looked up at him.

"Is this good?" I asked him, gesturing down at myself. "Can you still recognize me?" I was paranoid we would run into an old agent who had left and they would recognize me, causing our mission to fail and get myself taken.

Travis stared down at me. My face heated up excessively as his eyes roamed my body, eventually stopping at a place just below my eyes.

Why wasn't he looking at me? Would this not work?

He swallowed and then dragged his eyes to meet mine. "Perfect. You look perfect."

My face warmed more, and I suddenly felt like the entire room was closing in. Maybe it was the way he was looking at me, but I suddenly noticed how small this hallway was, and how close Travis' face was to mine.

Why wasn't I kissing him? What am I waiting for? What is he waiting for?

In that moment I was then reminded why we weren't together. It was because we couldn't be. Every week, for the past 2 years, Travis and I had put our lives on the line for every mission. The whole point of our job was to do the stuff not one else had the guts to do. It was dangerous. Being with Travis would make every mission work, knowing the whole time I would only be focused on him.

I forced my eyes down and turned away. "Let's go. We only have a 2 hours before we need to leave." I could tell Travis was about to nod, but I had already started quickly walking down the hallway. We had gotten the architectural layout of the castle, so I knew exactly how to get to the outside gardens. From there, we would walk into the party and start talking to people. First, we would go to our double agent, Silena. Then she would introduce us to more people and we would gradually gain more information.

This will work.

I briskly walked outside and through the gardens, hearing Travis' footsteps behind me. I slowed down as the entrance came into view, letting him fall in step next to me.

By now, my nerves were on fire. I couldn't stop fidgeting, either cracking my knuckles or twisting my hair. Travis hadn't said anything, and that only worried my more.

Is he mad at me?

I stopped for a moment and took a deep breath. The air was cool and refreshing, smelling slightly of smoke from the torches set up. Before I could reach for the door, I felt Travis hook his pinky with mine.

The familiar movement had me frozen. The action was something we did before every mission, sometimes even during it. It was like our secret code. Something only we knew. It was almost sacred in my mind. By now, the meaning of it was lost. Travis and I would hook our pinkies when we were worried, happy, scared, or just trying to figure something out while on a mission. It didn't matter. It was our thing, and I could feel myself calm down enough to open the doors without my hands shaking.

I wrapped my hand around his warm arm and we stepped into the ballroom.

i don't have a part 2 so just come up with one 🤟🤟🤟



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