the deal

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i'm posting another one of these but with katie soon btw 🤭🤭🤭

I pulled the string of my bow back, holding my breath as my hand stilled. I waited for the point of my arrow to be slightly to the right of the target and then released. It shot through the air and landed just a little above the bullseye.

"So close, dude." A voice said next to me. I grinned and shrugged, turning to look at the new camper. His name was Logan and he hadn't been claimed yet, so he was staying in Hermes cabin.

We hadn't gotten off to the best start, as Chiron had told me to give him a tour right as I was bothering Katie. She was in the strawberry field, as usual, and I had been trailing after her, trying to make her laugh. I was actually getting close to succeeding when we were interrupted.

"Even people like me have to bad at something." I joked, causing him to smile. After a second, his face shifted and I could tell he was going to ask me something. He seemed to mentally decide against it though, so I just turned to grab another arrow.

"So," Logan cleared his throat, forcing me to look over at him again. "Remember when you were giving me that tour the other day?" He asked, shifting on his feet.

He looked nervous and uncomfortable, which made me confused, because what had I done? My 3 day grace period for not pranking new campers was still in effect for him, so I didn't know why he was acting weird.

"Yeah, do you need directions for somewhere? I get this camp is pretty big, so if you want another tour or something I don't mind." I said easily.

"No, no, it's not that. But thank you." He rushed out, setting his bow down.

So, I guess we are settling in for this.

"I was just wondering what the deal was with the girl you were talking with. Before Chiron interrupted."



It felt like my stomach dropped, and then at the same time when up into my throat. He was interested in Katie. It wasn't the first time a guy was, that was for sure. But it was the first time one of them talked to me about it. It made me feel gross, like I was betraying Katie in a way. Which made no sense.

"This should be fun." I heard Connor mutter next to me. When I glanced over he was smirking, but pretending he hadn't said anything.

"You mean Katie?" I asked, crossing my arms as I turned back to him, forcing my face to remain impassive. Logan nodded, perking up at learning her name.

"Well, she's a daughter of Demeter. So she loves nature and the outdoors. She's the head counselor. What else? She-"

"But, like, is she dating anyone?" He interrupted. "Are you guys dating? 'Cause it kinda seemed like you were flirting but I didn't know if you were just friends."

I didn't answer, trying to think of something to say. I would rather plunge one of these arrows into my eye than tell him Katie was available. Even if it was the truth. I, however, was the son of the God of Lies.

So, right then, I made a decision.

"No, we aren't together. But we're also not not together, you know?" My lies weren't coming as easily knowing that this was about Katie.

Logan shook his head, his expression extremely confused.

Me too, buddy.

"Like, we aren't dating. But we have been talking for a while." I said, putting an emphasis on the talking. I could see a flash of disappointment and anger go across Logans face before it was quickly covered up.

"So, she's not available?" He asked.

I smirked, making the anger come back again for a second on his face. "No, she's not." I stated, a hint of finality in my voice.

Logan nodded reluctantly, just as my cabins time at archery ended. It was time for our free hour, and I quickly walked away from the field, needing a break from....whatever that was.

Connor caught up to me just as fast however.

"'We're not not together.'" He quoted, his voice going up as he mocked me.

"Shut up." I mumbled, playfully shoving him away.

Connor smirked. "Are you ever actually going to ask her out? Or are you just going to keep telling other people you're together." 

"I think the whole point of that was that I told him we aren't really together." I muttered, speed walking away from my brother and towards the strawberry fields, where I knew Katie would be.

"You're whipped!" Connor shouted from behind me, drawing the stared of multiple people.

"I know!" I shouted back, already spotting the familiar head of brown hair in the middle of the field.

ok.....what do we think? i like lowkey really like thsi but if not many people do i prob won't post a version with katie. anyways



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