hurt p.2

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I woke up feeling like I just stepped out of a weird dream. My vision was blurry from whatever Ms. Stoll gave me, making the whole room seem too bright for the pounding headache I had. The only way to describe how I felt would be...floaty. I couldn't really feel anything physical, and all of my memories form yesterday were blurred together into one long mess.

I pushed myself up onto the bed and looked around. The room they had taken me to was small but nice, and the bed was much better than the cot I slept in at camp. I forced myself to stand, swaying slightly as I adjusted. I looked down and saw myself dressed in different clothes then yesterday. I had on a pair of sweatpants and a grey sweatshirt that almost went down to my knees.

I walked to the door and started heading down the hallway. There were some voices coming from downstairs, so I went that way. After stumbling slightly down the stairs, I walked into the kitchen. Travis and Connor were seated at the island, and Ms. Stoll was walking around the kitchen handing out plates of food. When I walked in, they all snapped their attention to me and stood up.

Suddenly, they all started talking to me at once.

"Are you okay?"

"Why are you up right now?"

"You need to rest."

"Are you hungry?"

"Let's get you some water."

"How is your side?"

I cut them off with a wave of my head and a grimace at the headache I was already getting.

"I'm fine. Um, where are we? What happened?" I asked, moving to sit down at the kitchen island.

Mrs. Stoll smiled softly at me. "The boys took you over here after you got hurt. How is your side? Any pain?"

"A little, but not too bad. Thank you for helping me, by the way." I replied as Travis slid his plate of food over to me. The eggs and bacon that Mrs. Stoll made smelled so good, I grabbed the fork and started stuffing my face.

"No need to thank me, it's my job." She replied with a wide smile. I looked up, my mouth full of food as I gave her a confused look. "I'm a nurse." She told me, grabbing another plate of food for Travis.

Travis. The quest. Shit.

"Wait, what day is it?" I asked, worry spreading across my face. We had to be back by camp a week after we left, which was a few days ago. I really didn't want to be late, and having an injury would slow us down even more.

"Wednesday. You were out for a day." Travis replied, sliding me a massive glass of water.

"Don't worry, we already told Chiron we would be late. He said it was fine." Connor stated. Well, I think he said that. He had so much food in his mouth it was hard to hear them.

"Connor, no talking with your mouth full." Mrs. Stoll warned, pointing a spatula at him.

Connor raised both hands in the air, an overly innocent expression on his face.

"Sorry." He replied, his mouth still full of food. Mrs. Stoll narrowed her eyes at him, raising the spatula once again. While they started arguing with each other, Travis looked over at me, concern etched across his face.

"You should drink more water, you're kinda pale." He said, nudging the water closer to me.

I rolled my eyes at him but drank a little bit. When I finished, he was still staring at me expectantly. I narrowed my eyes at him, and he pointedly looked at the glass of water. Rolling my eyes, I drank more.

"Nice sweatshirt by the way." Travis muttered, a smug grin on his face as he turned to look back at his brother and mom.

I glanced down at the too big sweatshirt I was wearing. What did he mean? Why did he look at me like that?

Oh gods. It was his.

Zeus, strike me down now.

*not edited*
i hate this. anyway....there was like no romantic parts to this LMAO I JUST WANTED TO FINSIH IT AHHSJFJE

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