skate park

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CW: cursing
based on my personal head canon that percy and the stolls all skateboard together

I should be financially compensated for the amount of stupid shit I did for my boyfriend. Seriously. Years of pranks, giving him homework answers, covering him for missing shifts in the infirmary at camp, and still, this is the worst thing yet.

Did I know what I would be going into? Yes. Was I going to argue that I was coerced into it after Travis asked me to go before kissing me until it felt like I was melting? Also yes.

To most people, skateboarding was a regular and normal hobby for a teenager to have. But there was nothing normal about it. I liked the Earth because of my mom, but also because it never moved beneath my feet until I lost my balance and fell. It was constant. And steady. On the ground, I was in control.

I was not in control when skateboarding.

The sound of wheels sliding up and down the skate park echoed around us, followed by the cheers and laughs of my friends. Originally, it was only supposed to be the boys going together as usual, but then Travis pressured me into going, and I in turn forced Annabeth.

Percy and the Stolls were all naturals at skateboarding. They would go up the wall until they were basically sideways, and then casually roll down as if they didn't just defy the laws of physics.

I brought Annabeth with me as moral support, because even if I sucked at skateboarding, at least she did too.

But she couldn't even pretend to be bad. After 5 minutes of taking instructions from Percy, she was off. Doing all the same tricks and things as the boys, and looking cool the entire time.

I really hate my best friend sometimes.

Currently, I was gripping onto Travis' arms like my life depended on it, which it basically did. He was trying not to enjoy this, and failing.

"Katie. You're just going to go in a straight line. Not even down a hill or anything. Just one straight line." He explained, the corners of his lips twitching up when I quickly glanced at him.

I was staring at the board under my feet, because how was I even supposed to stand upright? This stupid wooden board on wheels would roll out underneath me. And I told Travis exactly that.

"How do you guys even do this?" I asked, gripping his arms tighter when the skateboard moved slightly.

"You're stalling." Travis stated, hands flexing at my waist.

"I'm not." I protested, cautiously looking up one more time. "You should be falling and breaking bones."

"You just get used to it." Travis smirked, shrugging slightly and making me yelp when the board moved again.

"Come on Katie!" Annabeth cheered from her spot outside the massive pit Percy and Connor were skating down. "It's easy once you get used to it."

"I don't think I can get used to it." I mumbled, causing Travis to grin.

"Okay Kates, here's what we're going to do. I'm going to let go-"

"No." I cut him off immediately, somehow managing to tighten my grip on him even more. The pit I had in my stomach before coming here tripled in size, and I felt like I was going to throw up. "You are not letting go."

"-And when I step back, your going to balance by yourself. You'll be a natural." He finished, oblivious to the minor panic attack I was having.

"I can't balance. I'm going to fall on my face and break my nose. Or I'll fall and break my arm or my leg or my-"

"Katie." Travis said, drawing my attention up to him. "You are the toughest person I know. You will be fine. After this we can get ice cream and go watch Midsommar, okay? There is really nothing to worry about."

I released a shaky breath as I tried to relax at his words and voice. I do love watching scary movies. Especially when Travis gets freaked out by them.

He lowered his voice slightly and leaned in, our noses almost touching, but not quite. "If you don't want to do it, no big deal. We can say you did when they weren't looking. Just tell me what you want to do."

I wanted to jump off of this gods-forsaken board and go home, but now I couldn't. I squeezed my eyes shut and took a deep breath in.

"Let go." I muttered, and he did immediately.

I stood with my hands out in front of me, still closing my eyes because if I opened them, I would fully start freaking out.

"Yeah Katie!" Connor screamed from somewhere around me.

Percy whooped too, screaming "Get it girl!"

"See! That's it Katie." Travis said, and I could hear the smile in it.

"Okay. Okay. This isn't too ba-"

Before I could even finish my thought, there was a slight push at my side and I was moving. My entire body stiffened, and any thoughts of skateboarding being not that bad vanished.

"Holy fuck, holy fuck, holy fucking shit whoever just pushed me be prepared to have your face punched in." I startled to mumble frantically, my eyes flying open to see Travis standing with a grin on his face.

Seeing the short distance between, I jumped off his skateboard and into his body. It started out as a hug, and quickly turned to me shoving him off and screaming, "Why would you push me?!"

His smirk didn't change, and gods I was going to punch him. Or slap him.

"I knew you could do it Katie. You just needed a push. Literally." He said, pulling his arms around my waist so I was back to being pressed up against him.

"You should've told me." I mumbled, already knowing that he was right. It wasn't actually that bad when I was moving. I would never admit that though.

"You would've started overthinking and then jumped off." He reasoned, leaning down to gently kiss my temple. Then my cheekbone, my nose, my brow bone, my chin, and eventually settling on my lips.

"Still." I said, pulling away slightly. "Your buying the ice cream and I'm picking the movie."

Travis brightened and turned back to our friends, who were currently trying to see who could slide down a railing in the shortest amount of time while still landing perfectly. It stressed me out just to look at it.

"Hey guys!" He called, getting their attention and causing Percy to stumbled slightly off his board. "Wanna get ice cream?"

This was met in response with cheers of agreement as they all made their way back to us.

"Now we can go on more skates together!" Travis exclaimed.

"If you think I am ever getting on one of those boards again, you are wrong." I stated as we turned to walk to the ice cream place.

"Skates as in skateboarding dates. Where I skateboard and you watch and then we get food."

I looked at him with an eyebrow raised.

"Get it? Skate and date together is skate! It's perfect." He said, sighing in content.

"You are such an idiot." I mumbled, grinning at him.

"How does it feel knowing your boyfriend is this smart, funny, good looking, charming-"

"Shut up." I laughed, leaning into him as we walked together.

Just so you know, we did go on many "skates" together.

i kinda hate this. whatevs.



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