Four years

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It's been four years now. Four years since Meredith Grey decide to shake her own foundations. Four years since she bid Seattle and its infamous hospital farewell, and decided to pick, choose and love Meredith Grey.

Four years later, Meredith still had a bit of that 'dark and twistiness' in her, and she had just accepted that it would always be apart of who she was, but it would not control her. She still had that compassion and gentle nature that many admired, along with that natural beauty that many a man found captivating. However, four years later, she had self-confidence, a self-worth that had not existed in Seattle.

As she stood in her London kitchen, silently reading the decorated piece of paper in her hands, Meredith pondered that time four years ago, when she decided to leave Seattle behind and begin again.

Four years ago, she  wanted to be  picked  by Derek Shepherd, chosen by  Derek shepherd   and  most importantly , loved by Derek Shepherd. Fours years ago he  broke her heart for the last time . Of course she mourned  the break-up ,unlike Derek, who so happily moved. On with Rose , his nurse with her ready to wear engagement ring.

As the weeks went by, Meredith realized that people expected her to fall apart like the last time. People expected her to pine over her lost lifetime with Dr. McDreamy. It was the looks of sympathy from Izzie, Lexie and George, compounded by the tiniest bit of pity from Cristina and misfortune from Alex, that prompted her to realize that her relationship with Derek is what defined her. People expected her to break if she didn't have him, that she wouldn't be Meredith Grey if she didn't have the love of Derek.

As she looked back on her first year and a half at Seattle Grace, everything about her was connected to Derek, she did not know who she was without him, and she should. No man should be able to define her. Especially not a man who had blatant disregard for feelings;

'She's my wife'

'Who's next- Alex, because I hear he likes to get around '

'I don't know if I want to keep breathing for you'

'I met a women last night '

'Put me out of my misery

'But what if while I'm waiting I meet someone , someone who is ready to give me what I want from you '

'Rose is a circulating nurse, I kissed her once '

As the memories catapulted throughout her, until she couldn't breathe, Meredith decided right then and there, that she would no longer be defined by any one. She would start again, she would live again, as her.

It was with a resurgence of confidence that Meredith walked to the Chief's office on that surprisingly mild winter's day four years ago, and handed in her resignation. It was met with protest by her fake daddy and by her 'person', but she wouldn't let that deter her.

Izzie was the most understanding, she was the one who helped her make her travel and living arrangements. Alex simply gave her his luck, and said, ' You will be coming back, won't you Grey' , which was met with a sad smile. George stumbled and fumbled his way to help her pack her belongings, while Cristina eventually accepted her decision, but did not encourage it. Lexie probably gave Meredith the most treasured gift, the faith of a real family member. The faith that Meredith would succeed in her quest to become her own person.

So on that cold February day, at 10.30am, Meredith Grey said goodbye to Seattle, feeling at peace with those in her life and leaving behind all that she had known, ready to live again.

Meredith slowly withdrew herself from memory lane, and smiled as she took in the words written on the paper before her:

Mrs Elenor Stevens
requests the honour of your presence at the marriage of her daughter
Isobel Stevens
Mr Mark Solan
On Saturday, the fifth of may
Two thousand and eight
At six o'clock in the evening
Blessed Sacrament Church

Meredith smiled as she remembered the excited phone call she received from Izzie about one month ago, so happy that Mark had finally asked her to marry him after a two and a half year romance. Meredith had stayed in touch with her Seattle family, despite the distance, even Cristina was a lot warmer to her- of course this took a while to happen, and now the two spoke daily about Cristina's kick-ass, hardcore cardio surgeries and Meredith's ...... Well you'll have to wait to find out.

As Meredith read the invite, it dawned on her that she would now have to face all that she left behind, four years ago.

‼️once again I don't own this story ‼️

Credits to- GreySister on taptalk

The book was published in 2008

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