Dinner rehearsal

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Two hours, half a dozen practice walks up the aisle, and one very tired flower girl later, it was finally time for the actual dinner part of the rehearsal to commence. This was a relief to several of those in attendance. It wasn't the actual food that people were so readily looking forward too, but the anticipation of the alcohol they would soon be consuming

While the rest of the guests were just drinking to be social, there were certain people who had valid reasons

Izzie needed alcohol to try and get rid of her nerves.

Mark needed a drink in order to be able to put up with Izzie's nerves.

Meredith needed a few tequila shots to help numb the pain in her feet, caused by the million and one trips up the aisle Izzie had made her do.

Derek needed some scotch to be able to deal with Lachlan and Meredith, compounded by the anticipation of his mother's arrival tomorrow.

Lachlan was feeling the need for something strong to burn his throat, so he would be able to stop thinking about the way Derek was looking at Meredith.

Cristina wanted to throw back a few shots of anything to get the vomit-inducing image of Derek and Meredith pretending not to sneak glances at each other, out of her brain.

Alex definitely required a beer or two, in order to keep up with Lexie's hormonal mood swings.

While Lexie just wanted to be able to drink alcohol, even though she couldn't.

So with this sort of atmosphere, everyone was in for a fun night. After the guests had their desired drinks in their hand, orange juice for Lexie, they sat down and enjoyed the meal that had been prepared for them.

Derek was sitting at the end of the same table Meredith and Lachlan were also occupying, but they were too far away for him to hear what they were saying. However, judging by the looks on their faces, all was not well in their particular world of coupledom.

Meredith had a sense of weariness etched on her features. She didn't have that same spark in her eye that she had when she had first arrived back in Seattle. Derek could see the tiredness in her eyes that had replaced that spark. The funny thing was, he could see the same thing in Lachlan's face. It looked as though they had reached the end of their rope and were struggling to hold on. Derek had no idea what had happened between the two, but something had definitely changed. Derek was surprised at the lack of relief he felt at Meredith and Lachlan's predicament. Derek knew why this was so; no matter how much he wanted Meredith to be with him, he wanted her to be happy first and foremost. That's when you really knew that you loved someone; when you wanted their happiness above your own. Derek wanted Meredith, but he didn't want to see her in any pain.

Mark had been sitting next to Derek, speaking with Jolene, but soon noticed the look on his best friends face. Following Derek's stare, Mark saw Meredith and Lachlan exchanging what appeared to be harsh words. Mark was a little stunned at this, because even though he had known all was not well in paradise, the couple had always managed to keep things private.

"You know Derek; if you keep staring people are going to get suspicious." Jolene said, interrupting both Mark and Derek's thoughts.

"Huh?" Derek asked

"I'm talking about you looking at Meredith, and the man who I'm guessing is her boyfriend." Jolene replied.

"She doesn't look happy." Derek stated.

"No, she doesn't, but if you keep looking, I get the feeling that her boyfriend won't be too happy either."

"Hate to break it to you Jo, but Lachlan already looks pissed, and I think it hasn't got anything to do with Derek." Mark informed her, as he looked across the table at the couple.

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