Almost time

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In less than twenty four hours, Izzie Stevens and Mark Sloan would be joined forever in holy matrimony. According to Mark, this small fact was extremely devastating to the female population of the United States of America. It was also cause for celebration, which is how this particular group of men found themselves in a private function room at one of Seattle's best hotels, drinking way Mark's last few hours of bachelorhood.

Mark was currently standing in the middle of the room, wearing a black top hat with the words' Groom To Be', coupled with a cartoon woman in a very questionable pose. That was Mark for you. Even the shot glass he was drinking out of had the words, "My Last Night Out" printed on it.

The room was full of some of Mark's colleagues from Seattle Grace, and some that had even flown out from New York, to celebrate the momentous occasion.

Alex and George were arguing about something over by the bar, while Lachlan looked on in amusement, while Derek was busy talking to Jolene's husband, Tim , when Mark came waltzing over, the top hat he was wearing, falling down over his face.

It was very clear that Mark had both consumed and mixed far too much alcohol into his system.

"Derek! My best friend, I've got a question for you...and you too Tim" Mark announced.

Derek took a sip of his scotch while sharing an amused glance with Tim.

"Ask away Mark." Tim told him.

"Thank you, if you insist...Why does the bride where white on her wedding day?"

Derek and Tim looked at each other as though Mark was insane. They had experienced their fair share of Mark's obscene questions, but this had to be one of the stupidest.

Mark was looking at the two, expecting an answer.

"Because white is supposedly the color of happiness Mark, and it should be the happiest day of Izzie's least it would be if she wasn't marrying your stupid ass." Derek informed him.

"Thanks...but if white is the color of happiness, then why does the groom where black? Is it to mourn the end of his single life?" Mark wanted to know.

Tim shook his head. "Well Mark, would you want to wear a white suit?"

"God no! I don't have ovaries!" Mark slurred, appalled.

"I think you just answered your own question Mark." Derek said, slapping his friend on the back.

"Hmmm....anyway, this is a great party Derek. I underestimated you. I didn't think you would be able to host one nearly as good as I did for you, when you were marrying Addison." Mark admitted.

"Let's try and not bring up my ex-wife Mark." Derek said. "Little awkward..."

"Just a little." Tim added.

"Whatever. I'll top this one at your next bachelor party." Mark informed Derek.

"My next bachelor party? What are you going on about? I'm not engaged, hell, I'm not even in a relationship at the moment." Derek replied.

"Derek..." Mark sighed, as though he was talking to a four-year old. "Please, every one knows that you and Mer will get together eventually. You're like those TV couples...always find their way back to each other in the end."

Tim laughed as he took in the look on Derek's face.

"Mark!" Derek hissed "Keep your voice down." He finished as he looked around to see if Lachlan had been anywhere near their conversation. Luckily, Lachlan was still talking to Alex and George.

"Okay...Okay...but admit it. You know what I said was true....And by the way, if I don't see strippers in less than one hour, I'm going to be seriously pissed!" Mark informed Derek, and then he sauntered off across the room.

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