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"Izzie!" Meredith shrieked

"Mark!" Derek demanded

"You have got to be kidding me!" Rose shrieked.

"Oh, did I say the wrong thing?" Cristina asked innocently.

"You damn well know you did Cristina." Izzie replied, smiling through her teeth, before continuing, "Look Mer...Der...Mark and I .... We were..."

"Hey, Grey? Have I had the chance to tell you how hot your accent is? Especially when you get angry? It really...." Mark said as he attempted to by his and Izzie's asses some time to come up with some sort of explanation.

Before he could continue, Meredith interjected, "If you don't explain yourself Mark I'll get really angry and then we'll see how hot my accent is."

Alex, Lexie, George and Cristina simply watched the drama play out like they would a tennis match: back and fourth, back and fourth.

"Yes, Izzie, Mark, why the hell didn't you inform us of your little plan?" Rose demanded.

"Us? Excuse me Rose, but this has nothing to do with you. This is between Mark, Derek, Meredith and I. You get no say." Izzie told her firmly. Everyone looked at Izzie in shock. She may not have liked Rose, but she had never been so blunt. However, Izzie wasn't going to let Rose hurt Meredith anymore than she had, and when it came to her wedding, Izzie wasn't going to let anyone try to take charge.

"Well I for one would really like to know the answer to Rose's question, wouldn't you Derek?" Meredith asked, looking for some sort of camaraderie.

"Oh, Yes" Derek icily replied, "It would have been nice of you tell me in private, so that my surprise wasn't witnessed by a captivated audience." Derek finished, while gesturing to the others, who were still watching without shame.

"Mark, Izzie, it's not that we don't want to be part of the wedding. Because we do, right Derek?" after he nodded, Meredith continued, "It's just that we would have liked some warning, you know?"

"We are honored guys, but if you call yourself our friends, please inform us of any new developments in the future." Derek warned with a teasing smile.

"How can you be so calm?" Rose all but screeched

"We can be so calm, because this really isn't about us." Derek hissed. "It's Izzie and Mark's day, so I'm sure that Meredith and I can forget about what happened in the past, for the sake of our friends happiness."

"I still say that we might see some girl on girl action, how much do you want to bet Bambi." Alex asked as he leaned towards George. Unfortunately for Alex Meredith heard and was just about to copy what her sister did a few hours ago and slap Alex's head, when she was interrupted by her phone ringing.

The shrill noise ended any conversation and Mark and Izzie were quite relieved that they didn't have to explain why they hadn't told Meredith and Derek about their roles in the wedding earlier.

As Meredith looked at her phone, she couldn't help but acknowledge the irony. "It's Lachlan, I'm gonna...go...take the outside." Just as she got up, Meredith looked back at Izzie and Mark. "And you still owe us an explanation." Meredith reminded them, while pointing between her and Derek.

All Mark and Izzie could do was offer weak smiles.

As Meredith left, it was Lexie who broke the silence. "And the triangle becomes a square." She mused.

Rose looked like she was about to lynch Lexie, Derek was forced to hide a knowing smile, and the others looked towards Lexie very impressed with her quick wit.

"I saw it on 'Dawson's Creek' once and I've always wanted to say it." Lexie shrugged.

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