What is Lachlan Hiding

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"Hey Derek." Izzie greeted, as she walked into the lounge room, followed closely by Meredith, who was carrying a tray of drinks

"Hi Izzie. Where's my good for nothing best friend?" Derek joked.

"Still stuck at the hospital." Izzie laughed.

"Here we go..." Meredith said as she handed everyone their drinks.

"Where's Lachlan, I thought he was getting the drinks?" Alex wondered.

"He had to take a phone call." Meredith responded. "He shouldn't be too long."

"Izzie your dinner smells wonderful." Derek told her, when he noticed the apron the Izzie was wearing, covered in different sauces.

"Thanks, at least someone appreciates. I mean Mark can't even get here on time! Can you imagine what he'll be like once we're married? Probably won't show up at all. He probably thinks that once I have his ring on my finger, I'll just always be there, waiting for him to show up. Well, let me tell you, he's got another thing coming..." Izzie ranted.

Every person in the room just stopped and stared at her, as if she had just grown another head.

"Everything alright Iz?" Meredith asked tentatively, she knew that Izzie mean what she had said.

"Nothing." Izzie sighed. "I'm just so stressed with the wedding and everything. Mark just doesn't help matters when he goes and insults the caterers, who then threaten to refuse to do the wedding..." Izzie trailed off.

"Mark never did know when to shut his mouth. Sometimes I think it would have solved a lot of the world's problems if he had been born mute." Derek told the group.

"He's your best friend Derek!" Meredith exclaimed.

"Yes, but that doesn't mean I'm blind to his idiocies." Derek reasoned, with a smile in his voice.

"Don't worry about it." Izzie replied. "I've just learned to accept them. Plus, I told him that he is absolutely not allowed to speak to anyone else that is doing something for the wedding, without running it by me first. Next thing you know, he'll insult the minister by trying to find him a nice woman..."

"I wouldn't put that past him." Cristina responded. "He has no shame."

"At least that's something we agree on." Derek told her.

They were suddenly interrupted by the sound of the oven timer going off, signaling that the dinner was ready to be served.

As the five of them got up and walked towards the kitchen, Derek decided to quickly call the hospital, to check on a patient. He went into the hallway, flicking through his phone, when he suddenly heard the murmurings of what seemed to be an argument. Derek knew damn well that it was Lachlan on the phone, and he had a minor battle with his conscience over what to do.

Should he simply ignore the argument and just call the hospital or should he do what he really wants and go listen to what Lachlan was saying?

Derek decided to do a combination of both. So with that in mind, he casually walked through the hall, towards the guest bedroom, which was directly opposite the office, which was where Lachlan was. The office door was closed, but Lachlan was speaking with enough force that Derek was able to hear exactly what was being said. Normally Derek would mind his own business, because he knew first hand what it was like to have your private life on show for the world to see.

However, when it came to Meredith, Derek had never been able to mind his own business.

"I told you not to say anything Jessie! I told you that I would tell her when the timing was right."

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