Shes back in Seattle

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Everyone stared in stunned silence as they tried to register the fact that Meredith Grey was standing before them after four long years.

Although they knew she was coming, eventually was a lot different than actually, as Meredith would say.

The one thing that every person noticed, was that the girl before them, was not the same as the one that left them four years ago. This girl, had a peaceful look that washed over her entire face. There were no dark circles under her eyes; her hair fell just above her shoulders, curled and considerably lighter. The most significant difference, was that she had a smile on her face: a real, genuine, smile. She looked healthy.

After a few moments of shocked silence, Meredith was suddenly attacked from everyone, well, almost everyone. Izzie screamed and practically jumped into Meredith's arms, while Alex gave an affectionate ruffle of her hair and pat on the back; Lexie and George managed to pry Izzie away so they could manage a three-way hug.

If Meredith looked at peace before she got there, she was even more so now. She was home.

Once the hugs were over, and Meredith had room to breathe, a knowing sirk stretched over her face, as she looked at Cristina.

"What? You don't seriously believe that a four year absence would have cured my refusal to indulge in hideously displays of affection, do you?" Cristina queried.

"No. As I said, it's nice to know that some things never change....", but she was cut off as Cristina did the unthinkable and actually hugged her.

"I missed my person."

"Me too."

"Hey, Mer, I thought you weren't coming for a few days still? If I'd known we could have met you at the airport, I would have baked something, cleaned the..." Izzie stated.

"Iz, it's fine. I wanted to surprise you guys, and by the reception I pretty sure I succeeded."

"Very spontaneous of you Grey." Alex said. "I didn't think that was one of your traits."

"Yeah, well, a lot's changed."

"And, now we have extra time to find out, right." Lexie asked, giving her sister an affectionate squeeze. It hadn't been easy, but the two had managed to keep a long distance sisterly relationship going.


Meredith suddenly realized that there was one person that she had failed to acknowledge, so as George went to retrieve Meredith a tequila shot, she said, "Hey Rose"

"Hi Meredith. I didn't know ...were coming back."

"Neither did we, hence the whole surprise reunion. You might want to keep track.", was Cristina's sarcastic response.

"Cristina...." Meredith warned, before turning to Rose, "I decided to come a few weeks earlier so that I could help Izzie with her wedding preparations, plus I could use the holiday. "

"Oh." Seemed to be the only response that Rose could muster. She just could not believe that this was the same Meredith Grey. The Meredith Grey she knew briefly, four years ago, would never have engaged her in conversation. She would have rambled a few words and avoided. This girl seemed to forget all about the 'love triangle'. They had been involved in. Meredith had a newfound confidence, and that made her nervous.

"Mer, where's all your stuff? If it's in your car, we can head home now so you can get re-settled in." Izzie said

"Actually, I dropped it off at the house before I came here. I hope you didn't mind, I still have the key. Plus, I wanted to come here a have fun first before I unpacked."

"Of course we don't mind Mer. It's your house first remember. Four years doesn't change that." Alex told her.

"I know, but with me being in London, it just feels like I'm a visitor more than an occupant."

Just as Izzie was about to interject, Cristina beat her to it, "Enough of the sentimental crap, let's focus on more important things, such as, whether or not you still have your mojo when it comes to tequila?"

"So as the night progressed, the old gang, plus Rose, drank, laughed, taunted and teased, while Meredith was the only one who tried to engage Rose in some form of conversation. This kind of freaked Rose out, and it made her nervous. If Derek saw this new and improved Meredith, he might finally muster up the courage to leave her. She couldn't let this happen.

However, fate seemed to take that put of her hands, because the bell dinged, which acknowledge the entrance of someone in the bar. It wasn't just anyone though. It was Mark, and right behind him, Derek. Meredith's laughter ceased, and for the first time in years, Derek slowly began to feel whole again.

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