Cake tasting with derek pt . 2

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Saturday evening came around too fast for Meredith, but not too fast for Derek. To say that he was eager was most defiantly an understatement. Event though he was technically 'moving on', in reality, he was still in the same place as he was four years ago: still in love with Meredith Grey. So like every addict, he looked forward to his next fix, even if it involved cake.

Derek was a running a couple of minutes late due to a last minute surgery, so when he arrived outside the cake bakery at approximately 8.06pm, he found the other three cake testers ready and waiting for him. As he approached the group he saw Meredith talking animatedly on her cell, and unfortunate for him, caught the last few words of her conversation.

"I know...I know...It'll only be a few more weeks...Oh I'm sure you do." Meredith teased, before letting a peaceful look wash over her features, " too."

It didn't take a neurosurgeon to figure what Meredith's, "me too", was in response to. However much it may have hurt Derek to hear her be so open with a another man, he had no one to blame but himself. If it hadn't been for his impatience, Meredith never would have took off and flown across the world, and ultimately into this Lachlan person's arms. Yes, he was still very bitter.

Derek didn't get time to wallow in self-pity, because as soon as Izzie spotted him she launched into a lecture about tardiness.

"...and seriously Derek, seriously! this how it's going to be every time we need you for something to do with the wedding?...what about on the actual wedding day? Are you just going to show up six minutes late at the alter? Make more of a grand entrance than me? Because if this is how it's going to be from now on............" Izzie continued with her rant, but Derek lost track after a while, and caught Meredith's eye as her forehead crinkled with laughter. After Mark managed to clam Izzie down, and assured her of Derek's commitment, he managed to convince her that it was best for everyone that they went inside.

As the made there way inside, Derek caught Meredith's cheeky look and beat her to the punch, "Shut up, just don't say anything." He smiled.

"Just remember tardiness next time Dr Shepherd. You don't want to blamed for ruining Seattle's Wedding of the Year...and reprimanded by Izzie Stevens, you should be ashamed of yourself." Meredith joked.

"I'll make sure that I'm extra early next time." Derek responded, relishing the close proximity, and quickly looking down at Meredith's lips.

"You better be." She said, looking up at him, and with that Meredith followed Izzie and Mark.

The four of them were soon led by a little old woman, whose name was Julia, and presumably her husband, to a room just off to the side of the main part of the bakery, where they had set up the various cakes that Izzie and Mark could choose from, along with different pictures and designs.

"You know...", Julia began, as she ushered them to sit down, "the wedding cake was not originally for eating, but was to be thrown at the bride."

At this new piece of information, Izzie looked up in horror as she pictured her stunning gown covered in chocolates and vanillas and multi-colored icing.

As the other three choked back laughter, Julia saw Izzie's expression and quickly eased her mind, "No my dear, you misunderstand," Julia began, "The wedding cake evolved from European wheat, so don't worry, brides weren't covered in creams and icing." She laughed. "The wheat represented fertility and prosperity."

Izzie didn't even attempt to hide her relief at Julia's words.

"Nowadays, after the bride, the wedding cake is the most photographed item at the reception, so its critical you make the right choice, which is why you came to us, I presume?" asked Julia

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