The big day pt 2.

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The bride had finally arrived at the church. As soon as he heard this, the groom was able to stop his nervous pace, at his place at the alter. The guests had been seated. The caterers had been called and Cristina had consumed enough alcohol to help her sit through the love fest that was going to be Izzie and Mark.

It was then that the music began to play, signaling that the bride was about to make her much anticipated entrance- as Julia, the woman they did the cake testing with said- it is the bride that everyone comes to see

Derek gave Mark one last reassuring smile, before they turned to face the aisle, and watched as the oak door at the back of the church slowly began to open.

Meredith and Izzie exchanged excited glances, and then moved to their relevant positions, as the ushers opened the doors.

As soon as the doors opened, the worlds of two men completely stopped turning, because walking down that aisle, were the only women Derek and Mark were destined to spend the rest of their days loving.

Izzie and Mark caught one another's eye almost immediately, and the fears and insecurities that had plagued them hours before disappeared. They were going to be one of the lucky ones who made it. They would be telling their grandchildren in decades from now about this day, reliving it as though it had only taken place yesterday.

Meredith began her dutiful walk down the aisle, seeing Lachlan up near the front. The two of them shared a glance, which spoke volumes. It was a silent conversation, which Lachlan ended with a beautiful smile and nod of his head. For the first time in forever, Meredith was able to breathe freely again. Everything was going to be okay. Soon enough.

Meredith turned her attention back to walking up the aisle, and inevitably she locked eyes with Derek. He the man who was born to love her. The man that was fated to spend the remainder of his lifetime by her side. The man whose love four her defeated space and time. The man that she loved. The man that she had never stopped loving

As Meredith continued walking, she allowed herself to surrender to his blue orbs, and to recognize what she had just admitted.

Meredith Grey loved Derek Shepherd.

It was that simple and it was that true.

Meredith Grey loved Derek Shepherd.

There were no ifs, and no buts. There were no conditions. It was entirely unconditional.

Meredith Grey loved Derek Shepherd.

Finally Meredith reached the alter, and then waited as Izzie took Mark's hand, and gave Meredith the bouquet to hold.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today...." The minister began.

Meredith and Derek didn't hear what was said next, because they were too far in their own world. It was not obvious to the other guests, only to the two soul mates. Derek gazed at Meredith, noticing something different in her eyes. It was a light that he had not seen in years. The last time he had seen it was when he had stood in her kitchen and told Meredith that he had been in love with her forever. Suddenly, the meaning behind the light in Meredith's eyes, crashed down on him like a ton of bricks, and Derek could no longer see clearly, all he could see was a blur of colors.

Meredith Grey loved Derek Shepherd.

Derek could only faintly hear Mark and Izzie commence their vows.

"...take you Isobel Stevens, to be my wife."

One day Derek would make Meredith his wife. He didn't know when, and he had absolutely no idea how they would get to that place, but one day, they would stand up and take vows.

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