Their going back to seattle

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Meredith Grey was going home, as in going home to Seattle. She wasn't just going for a few weeks then coming back to London; no, Meredith Grey was actually going home for good. However, that wasn't even the best part. The best part was the fact that the person in the seat next to her was Derek Shepherd. Meredith Grey and Derek Shepherd were finally on the way to starting a new life, and they were starting it together.

They had already been on the flight for six hours and there were three remaining, but for once the plane ride was not a bother to Meredith or Derek. They had each other. They knew what was awaiting them once the landed in Seattle, it would be a fresh start, and there was nothing better than that. They now had a chance to right all the wrongs that had gone on in their relationship four years ago. They had the chance to show each other how much loved they shared, and to ensure that neither of them had any doubts about that. It was the first time since they had first met, that they truly belonged to one another. There were no half- sisters, wives, nurses, vets or dead mothers that were an obstacle to their happiness. It was liberating.

Derek smiled softly to himself as he heard Meredith's soft snores fill the space between them. Derek leaned over and brushed a piece of hair out of her face, as she slept. Meredith had fallen asleep about four hours into the flight, and Derek hadn't that heart to wake her up, even though he missed her. It was incredible, she was right next to him, but he missed her. They had spent every hour of the last few days in each others company, and it had been beautiful. They still hadn't made love since they had gotten back together, but they were both okay with that fact. They wanted things to work out this time, and jumping straight back into sex was not the way to do it. They would make love again eventually, probably sooner rather than later, but their relationship was more than sex, they were worth more than sex. Derek was just content being in Meredith's presence. She was all that he would need for the rest if his life and he was just thankful he was getting another chance.

Meredith suddenly stirred slightly, and opened her eyes only to meet Derek's blue ones. If she were to wake up to his eyes every morning for the rest of her life, she would die a very happy woman. She would never get tired of looking into his eyes.

"Hey" Meredith murmured, stretching her arms out as much as she could, considering the size of her seat.

" are you feeling?" Derek whispered, leaning his forehead on hers.

"I'm better...I don't miss London hasn't hit me that I'm never going least not to live...Give me a week and I'll be missing it, and everyone there." Meredith admitted.

Derek didn't respond, but just studied Meredith's face, looking pensive.

"What?" Meredith asked.

"Nothing...I just...I don't want you to regret moving back to Seattle...I don't want you to end up resenting me. I couldn't live with that...with you just merely existing and not really living." Derek told her.

"Derek..." Meredith began, knowing that he needed reassurance. "You didn't make me do anything...I was already coming back before you arrived in London. I could never regret moving back...Seattle's my home...and you...I wouldn't' resent's just not possible. I'm alive when I'm with you."

"Sorry...I guess I just had a moment of doubt...not about your love for me, but whether I can make you really happy." Derek replied.

"You do. More than anyone ever has...even with all the hurt we've were still the only one I wanted at the end of the day."

"I feel the same."

"I hope so. You are stuck with me after all. Plus, you did travel across the world in order to sweep me off my feet." Meredith joked.

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