The big day

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The big day had finally arrived. Izzie and Mark were getting married. All the cake-tasting, dance lessons, fittings and bridezilla moments were reaching a pay off at last.

Izzie Stevens was going to get her fairytale wedding.

However, this little fact did not prevent one final freak out from the bride to be, a few hours before they were due at the church. It seemed that the only way Izzie was able to deal with her jitters was by yelling at every person in the house.

"How can you just sit there Alex? God! You think that just for one freakin' day in your life, you would be able to do something for someone else!" Izzie ranted, at Alex, who was sitting on the sofa in his suit, watching television.

"What the hell would you like me to do Izzie? Curl your hair? Zip up your dress? There's really not much I can do for you!" Alex responded, defending himself. "I already have a pregnant and hormonal girlfriend who yells at me, so I don't really need any more hassle!"

"Yeah! Chill out Barbie." Cristina called from her place in the kitchen.

"Do not call me Barbie, Cristina! And by the why, could you try and be nice today? I would really not like the guests to be too scared to stay at the wedding." Izzie screamed.

"Okay, okay...Enough!" Meredith said, walking into the living room, after hearing Izzie's freak out. "Alex you go upstairs to Lexie, she's having a meltdown because she apparently looks 'too fat' in her dress." Meredith ordered.

Alex groaned at this, but got up.

"Go!... and Cristina, I hid some alcohol in the cabinet where the phonebooks are kept...go get it." Meredith told her, earning a cheer from Cristina.

"I'm impressed Mer...hiding booze. I love it."

"Thanks Cris. Now Izzie, lets go upstairs and finish getting you ready." Meredith coaxed. "But first, you're going to have to breathe."

"How can I breathe when I haven't had the chance to call the caterers so that I can make sure they definitely know the venue of the reception..." Izzie fretted.

"Lachlan will call the caterers." Meredith said, noticing her boyfriend who happened to just walk into the room. "Won't you?" Meredith pleaded.

"Of course." Lachlan smiled. "Seriously Izzie, you need to listen to Mer and just breathe."

"I'm breathing." Izzie confirmed, gasping for air.

"Good." Meredith laughed, grabbing Izzie by the shoulders and steering her towards the stairs.

Meredith mouthed a 'Thank-You' to Lachlan as she passed him, but he quickly stopped her.

"Mer, we need to..." Lache began

"I know." Meredith replied, having a funny feeling she knew exactly what he was about to say. " Can we just...after the wedding...Please? "

Lachlan looked into her eyes, seeing that she didn't want what was about to happen either.

"After the wedding." Lache agreed, bringing her hand to his lips.

Meredith smiled at the gesture, then continued to usher Izzie up the stairs.

"Is everything alright between you two?" Izzie queried, momentarily forgetting about her own panic

Meredith took a deep breath before answering. "It will be."

Izzie looked at her friend, trying to decipher what those three words could mean in Meredith language.

Seeing Izzie's look, Meredith decided to quickly change the subject.

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