How is meredith gonna do this

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Izzie Stevens was officially freaking out. Izzie and Mark were getting married in four days. This fact meant that she was driving everyone around her absolutely crazy. No one could have a moment's peace. The only time any person in Izzie Steven's life was granted any form of peace and quite was during a surgery, and whoever that lucky person may have been, hoped against all hope that the surgery would be a very long one.

Unfortunately for Meredith Grey, she did not have this luxury, since she no longer worked at Seattle Grace, and hadn't worked there for the last four years. Meredith tried to ignore the pang of regret that she felt at that small, yet pretty big, dose of reality. Anyway, because Meredith was unable to use surgery as a way to escape Izzie, she found herself sitting at the kitchen counter trying to decide what to do for Izzie bachelorette party, which would be taking place the night before the wedding, just like Mark's bachelor party would be. Meredith would bet that Derek had already planned everything for Mark right down to the chairs they would be sitting on, but Meredith had never been that organized. She had been a bit to pre-occupied with her personal life, which was nothing knew since arriving back in Seattle.

Meredith was worried about her and Lachlan. Ever since the confrontation they had about him being suspended, things had changed between them. The one thing Meredith was relieved about was that the awkwardness between them had absolutely nothing to do with Derek. Meredith had managed to suppress her feelings for Derek, despite how much it killed her, so that her relationship was not affected. Meredith, although not wanting or welcoming the current distress, was glad that if their relationship did fall apart, it at least would not be because of a third party. Meredith would never want Lachlan to experience that sort of pain. She knew it only to well.

Meredith had a suspicion that the strain between her and Lachlan was due to the fact that Meredith had told him that she believed he needed help. Although it was the truth, it didn't mean that it hurt any less. Meredith knew what it felt like to be in Lachlan's position. To want to get better for the person you love, but feeling utterly helpless as to how to go about it. Meredith had learned that the best thing to do was to take some time for you; to take space and not allow yourself to try and follow expectations. Perhaps the best thing for Lachlan was to be by himself while he pieced his life back together.

However, that meant there would be no room for Meredith in his life.

Meredith didn't get the opportunity to ponder on this thought for too long, because she suddenly heard the front door open and then slam shut. Assuming that it was either Izzie or Mark arriving home from work, Meredith continued to work on her list for the party.

"You know, you really need to learn to lock that door Mer. We don't want anyone stealing your pretty face from us."

Meredith whipped her head around at the sound of Derek's voice, but was distracted by the sight of the woman and little girl standing with him.

Jealousy immediately surged through Meredith's body, thinking that he had a new girlfriend already, and was apparently inheriting a step daughter as well. However, these thoughts suddenly dispersed when she noticed the electric blue eyes of the two strangers standing with Derek in her kitchen.

Derek had noticed the quick look of jealousy that had flashed in Meredith's eyes for that brief second, and decided put her out of her misery.

"Meredith...I'd like you to meet by younger sister Jolene and her daughter Georgia." Derek introduced with a knowing smile on his face.

Meredith quickly glared back, before hoping off the kitchen chair and walking over to the three of them.

"Hi...I...It's nice to meet you too Georgia." Meredith managed to get out, while offering her hand. However, this gesture was of no use, as Jolene suddenly pulled Meredith forward and into a hug.

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