Making fun of Rose

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"I cannot believe that you just did that Cristina!" Meredith exclaimed, as they sat down for lunch. "...and don't you encourage her!" Meredith finished as she pointed to Lachlan, who was choking back laughter.

Cristina looked completely satisfied with herself.

"That may possibly be the best thing I have ever seen- ever!." Lachlan laughed. "She had no idea where to look."

"I know, she gets stupider every time I see her. It's just so much fun watching her face." Cristina said, smiling.

" The two of you are just as bad as each other." Meredith stated.

"Oh, come on Mer, you have to admit it was funny. We have nothing like that at St. Mary's" Lachlan replied.

"Yeah, come on Meredith, where did your sense of humor go?" Cristina wondered.

"I have a sense of humor, Cristina, just not at someone else's expense." Meredith responded trying to hide a smile.

"But it's just so much fun..." Cristina pouted.

"What's so much fun?" Izzie asked, as she sat down next to Meredith, opening up a turkey sandwich.

"Making fun of Rose." Cristina replied.

" Ah, yes...that is fun." Izzie agreed, which caused Lachlan to laugh out loud.

"I don't get how you guys can be so nice to her face...except Cristina of course, but then be so awful the minute her back's turned." Lachlan said, smirking.

"That's part of the fun. She wouldn't have a clue and if she does she refuses to bite back, which makes it even better." Izzie told him. "Anyway, what did you do to her this time Cristina?" Izzie asked as she took a bite of her sandwich.

" Well..." Meredith interrupted. "Rose wanted to have lunch with us, and instead of politely making some excuse, Cristina kindly informed Rose that her village was missing an idiot, and that Rose should go find them."

This caused Izzie to choke on her bread.

"Are you kidding?" Izzie rasped. "I'm impressed, that was good. So good in fact, that we should all get it tattooed on our asses...but only temporary of course. I don't want it to be visible through the whiteness of my dress."

"Meredith really wasn't kidding when she said you guys were nuts." Lachlan said, laughing.

"I'll take that as a compliment." Cristina told him, taking a bite of her salad.

"You should." Lachlan replied. "It's refreshing to see people who don't give a shit about what they say to others...and highly entertaining." He added.

"Seriously Lache, do not encourage her, you don't know what she'll do next if you egg her on." Meredith playfully said.

" At least someone appreciates me Mer." Cristina replied sadly.

"Shut up."

"So, did you meet Richard , Lache?" Izzie wanted to know.

"Yeah I did, it was nice to finally meet him, and I like getting to know Meredith's family." Lachlan replied, including Izzie and Cristina in that 'family'.

"Trust me, we're glad to finally meet you, especially after talking on the phone for so long." Izzie smiled.

"Izzie has a thing for your sexy British accent.'' Meredith told Lachlan.

"Meredith!" Izzie scolded, embarrassed.

"Don't worry, you're not the only one." Lachlan winked.

Before Meredith could chastise Lachlan and try to convince him that some humility wouldn't go astray, Cristina got in first.

"Oh God, another McDreamy."

Izzie and Meredith shot Cristina warning looks, to which they only received a smirk in return.

"Who's McDreamy?" Lachlan asked, looking between the three women

"Just trust me when I say, you don't want to have too many things in common with him." Izzie told Lachlan.

"Okay...I'll keep that in mind." Lachlan replied, aware that he must have hit a sore spot.

Before any one could say another word, they were soon joined by Mark who, like usual made his presence known.

"Ah...there is now one less ugly person roaming around Seattle- all is right with the world again." Mark sighed as he took a seat next to fiancé.

Meredith shook her head in disbelief, while Izzie smacked Mark lightly across the head.

"I seriously have to transfer to this hospital." Lachlan said as he shook his head in wonderment. "I've been missing out on all the fun."

"Ignore Mark." Izzie told Lachlan. "He seems to think he does the world a great service."

'I do." Mark insisted. "If I didn't, we would have to look at more unattractive people than necessary, and if I get to make money from it, then so be it"

This earned a laugh from Cristina. "He's got a point Barbie, what would we do without his kind charity."

"Remind me why I am marrying you again?" Izzie asked.

"For my steaming good looks." Mark replied, with all seriousness

"Of course."

"So what were you guys talking about before I so kindly graced you with my presence?" Mark inquired.

"We were talking about the stupidity of the Rose." Cristina informed him

"My favorite topic." Mark laughed. "Who insulted her this time?"

"Cristina." Izzie, Lachlan and Meredith replied in unison.

"Did you use that line about the village idiot?" Mark wanted to know.

"Yep. You owe me twenty bucks." Cristina told him, with her hand sticking out.

"You were in on it?" Izzie asked in disbelief.

"He came up with it, but offered to give me twenty bucks if I were the one to say it." Cristina revealed.

"Why did you let Cistina do your dirty work?" Meredith asked, amused

"Well I couldn't very well say it to Rose's face, could I? Derek's my best friend. And besides, Cristina insults everybody, so it would probably hurt less coming from her." Mark replied, getting his wallet out and handing Cristina twenty dollars

"By look on her face, I think it had the effect you were hoping for." Lachlan said. "She looked pretty stung."

"Ah, so Lachlan you had the pleasure of meeting the beautiful flower." Mark laughed.

"Yep, and it was definitely a highlight of my trip so far."

"Speaking long are you planning on staying here after the wedding?" Izzie asked.

", I was thinking of staying as long as Mer is." Lachlan revealed, hoping to sound confident, and this didn't go unnoticed by Mark.

"Really?" Meredith turned to her boyfriend. "You managed to get time off for that long? I only got that long off because I had holidays stored up."

"Yeah...I...the boss thought it would be a good idea if i literally got away from everything for a while." Lachlan replied, it wasn't a total lie, he convinced himself.

"Well, I'm glad." Meredith smiled, gently grabbing his hand to hold.

Mark watched Lachlan as he sat there, knowing that there was something he was withholding. Lachlan wasn't the type of guy that would hurt Meredith willingly, Mark had gathered that in the short time he had known him, but he was hiding something. It really wasn't a good time for him to be doing that, especially with Mark convincing Derek to suss out Meredith's feelings. Lachlan didn't need anything that was going to go against him; because this was going to be a battle.

I wonder what Lachlan is hiding comment what you think it is 🧐

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