Lachlan's POV

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There were times in Lachlan Jackson's life that he could be certain that something was going to happen. When he stole the lollipop from the corner milk bar at the age of seven, he just knew the somehow his mother would find out. When he was eighteen and he and Justin 'borrowed' his brother's car for the evening, he just knew that his life was not going to be worth living in the morning, yet he still did it.

So when he saw twenty missed calls just for that day flash across the screen of his cell phone and the frantic messages from Meredith on the apartment answering machine, he just knew that there was going to be trouble.

Lachlan was at Jessie and Dave's place when he finally decided to call Meredith back, and he knew that it wasn't going to be pretty.

"You know that you only have yourself to blame for Meredith's wrath." Jessie told him from her position on the couch.

"I got it the first fifty-five times you told me." Lachlan responded dryly.

"I don't get why you refused to talk to her, man." Dave stated as he took a sip of his beer. "I mean...She's there's no way that she wouldn't have understood what you were going through and there's s no way she wouldn't have supported you and you need her on your side more than ever now" Dave pointed out.

"Don't you think I know that Dave?" Lachlan asked. "But she's just been so happy over the last month, and I was glad that I could bring that happiness back, since I was the one to take it away in the first place...I don't want her to have to worry...especially not while she's in Seattle...I don't want to hear the disappointment in her voice or see it in her eyes when I go out there for the wedding..."

"Call her Lache, she's worried about. Have the decency to let her know you're okay. I'm surprised she only tried to call me twice." Jessie told him.

Lachlan looked at Dave who shrugged his shoulders in response, and he knew that he would have to call Meredith. So with one last sip of water, not alcohol, for luck, he dialed the Seattle number that he had come to know so well since Meredith had been gone.

To Lachlan's surprise someone answered on the second ring. Unfortunately for him, he recognized the voice as being Izzie.

"Hi...Izzie? It's Lachlan..." Lachlan didn't get to finish his sentence, because he was immediately cut off by screaming.

"Lachlan! What the hell have you been thinking! I swear that you better have been lying in a hospital bed with amnesia, because that would have to be the only reason why you haven't answered any of Meredith's one million phone calls." Izzie ranted

Lachlan had to hold the phone away from his ear, before he interrupted.

"Izzie...Izzie! Can I ...Is Meredith there?" Lachlan asked, not really wanting to explain himself to Meredith's friend, but Izzie didn't seem to hear him.

"Sick...absolutely SICK with worry! you have any idea...?" Izzie screamed

Lachlan felt an instant plummet in his stomach as he took in Izzie's words. The reason he hadn't called was so that he wouldn't plague her with his problems, with his grief, yet he did anyway.

"Look Izzie, I'm sorry. Things just..."

"I don't want to hear you're apology's Lachlan...It's not me who you should be apologizing too."

"Is Meredith..."

"...Yes, your girlfriend who we almost had to administer a sedative to, because you didn't have the decency to answer any of her calls!"

Just as Lachlan was about to respond, he heard Meredith's voice in the background and his heart leapt, but he couldn't get a word in, because Izzie insisted on screeching in his ear.

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